Premier Doug Ford announced today that vaccine certificates will be put in place in Ontario effective September 22.
Ontarians will have to show proof of full vaccination, having had their second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine at least two weeks prior, and photo ID to access higher-risk public settings such as restaurants (if dining indoors), bars, gyms, concerts and more, according to a press release.
As of September 22, Ontarians will have to provide a piece of a photo ID, such as a health card or driver's licence, and a "paper or PDF vaccine receipt that includes all relevant information to prove that they are fully vaccinated."
Currently, residents can access their vaccination receipts by visiting the Ontario booking portal.
However, by October 22, an "enhanced vaccine certificate, as well as a verification app to allow businesses to read the QR code," will be available, according to the Ontario government.
The digital vaccine certificate will be a "unique QR code and accompanying verification app that will allow users to securely and safely verify their vaccination status when scanned."
Users will be able to access the app on their phones and even store it in Apple Wallet.
Health Canada has a robust website with all the latest information on the vaccines and can answer any questions you may have. Click here for more information.