The City announced that Toronto Public Health (TPH) is getting ready to vaccinate children between five and 11-years-old, and created a COVID-19 Vaccination Planning Group.
That being said, they are still waiting upon the approval from Health Canada as well as the receipt of vaccination for these kids from Ontario's Ministry of Health. According to the City, there are about 200,000 kids between ages 5 to 11 who are eligible to get vaccinated for COVID-19.
"In Canada, the Government of Canada is responsible for obtaining the supply of COVID-19 vaccines," the September 27 release stated. "[T]he Ontario Ministry of Health has responsibility for distributing the vaccines and administering them to priority groups established under the Province's framework."
The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) gives out the recommendations for how COVID-19 vaxxes are administered, while TPH is tasked with supporting the administration of COVID-19 vaccines and scheduling how they're distributed.
"Providing vaccinations for all who are eligible, including children and youth, will help reduce the number of COVID-19 cases in our community and allow children to participate in activities that benefit their health and well-being," city officials wrote.
Global News reports that Pfizer Canada is working to give Health Canada data that shows how its vaccine will work for children and said its research demonstrates that its product works for this age demographic.
Health Canada has a robust website with all the latest information on the vaccines and can answer any questions you may have. Click here for more information.