You Need To Have Winter Tires On Your Car If You're In BC Or You Could Get Fined Over $100

It's that time of year again! The rule about having winter tires in B.C. has come into effect and you could get a fine of more than $100 if your car doesn't have them.

As of October 1, winter tires or chains are required for most routes in the province until April 30 or until March 31 for some highways that aren't located through mountain passes or high snowfall areas.

All highways in the North and the Interior require winter tires, as do some highways on the South Coast and Vancouver Island.

Outside of the Lower Mainland and southeastern Vancouver Island, winter tires are required on most highways. Even if you live in a place where roads don't have the requirement, you'd still need to have the tires on if you travel outside of the area.

RCMP, Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement and other police agencies can actually stop you from travelling and issue fines for not complying with the rules. If a passenger vehicle isn't equipped with winter tires when and where they're required, the fine is $121.

The provincial government has mapped out which routes need winter tires and which ones don't and you can check it out online.

This winter is forecast to be a "frosty flip-flop" and it's expected that the season could arrive earlier than usual in some parts of the country with frigid temperatures and snow.

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