A two-and-a-half-year-old named Eva and her mother were hit by a car in Squamish, B.C., in an incident that claimed the toddler's life.
According to the B.C. Provincial Court ruling, the incident happened on February 28, 2020, at around 6 p.m. when the driver, Nikaya Peiskar, made a left turn at an intersection and struck them both.
Eva and her mother, Ms. Takacsova, were just leaving the grocery store before the incident.
Peiskar didn't know that she had hit them and kept driving for 23 metres until someone chased her down to stop. The ruling said that there was no evidence that Peiskar was trying to flee the scene, only that she didn't realize what had happened.
Emergency responders attended the scene but were not able to save Eva.
"As for Ms. Takacsova, her foot was bruised and swollen. She also suffered a back injury, a concussion, migraines, and a broken heart," said the ruling. "Although her physical injuries have largely abated, her heart remains broken."
Peiskar was arrested at the scene. There was no evidence that she was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and speed was also not found to be a factor as the accident occurred at a very low speed.
The report said that it is speculated that factors such as lighting, the weather and the driver's lack of attention played a role.
Peiskar is a mother of two, has no criminal record and works as a children's swimming coach.
The court took into consideration letters that were written on behalf of Peiskar, expressing her extreme grief over the incident.
A letter from Ms. Takacsova was also given to the court that said: "For all of you onlookers, Eva died on February 28, 2020. For me and my family, she dies every single day all over again – every time we see or experience something new, knowing we will never have another memory with her."
The event has now resulted in Peiskar receiving a $1,200 fine and four-month probation.
The judge said in the ruling that "the sentence imposed is not intended, nor, should it be interpreted as reflecting of the value of the life lost or the injury suffered. Nothing I say or do would ever adequately reflect the value or the beauty of the life lost."
This article’s cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.
A Driver Who Hit & Killed A Toddler Gets A $1200 Fine But No Jail Time
Source: News Article Viral