This GTA Realtor Made A Muppet-Like Music Video To Sell His Mom's House & There's An Offer

This realtor in the GTA wants you to buy his mom's house so badly that he's relied on puppetry and some catchy riffs to create an arguably epic music video to help get the job done.

Arty Basinski, the real estate agent behind the music video and Real Estate By Bike, shared with Narcity the inspiration behind the hilarious Muppet-like fever dream with "My Mom's House".

"I wrote the music for it and then I showed my friend the song and we both came up with this idea of like the tagline which is 'It could be you that buys my mom's house'," Basinski explained and added that his friend, Dan Guiry, sang the vocals for it.

The music video for the Caledon listing. Arty Basinski | YouTube

"Then like after listening to it, you know, his voice is kind of puppety itself, it's got like a Muppet kind of sound. So I just thought, 'Okay, this would be kind of cool to make puppets with it'."

Three puppets star in the video, one with sunglasses and shaggy hair, another with a bushy unibrow, and lastly, a dead-eyed fox that comments on some of the features of the home (and even has a drum solo). Basinski's mom also guest stars in the music video and pretends to shred it on the synth.

The video takes the viewer on a virtual tour all throughout the nearly $2 million Caledon home, which has four bedrooms, a custom-designed kitchen, and a massive walk-out basement. Basinski shared that there is already a pending offer on his mom's house, and that they are currently in negotiations (though whether or not the music video helped with the offer is unknown).

This isn't the first listing to come with its own music video

"I've been a musician for many, many years, and a creative being, and just the real estate industry is very dull and monotonous and I just want to do something different," Basinski said.

"Every virtual tour is the same, every photo is the same, every headshot is the same, like everything is exactly the same and I just want to pop some colour into the industry."

From rapping about a "Lil Yellow House" in Leslieville to creating a Daft Punk-inspired melody to sell a home in the Junction, Basinski said this is more than just a clever marketing technique as the videos are something that the clients can hold on to like a memento.

"Usually when people sell their house, they don't have anything [to] take with them from their memory of the house, right, so this is kind of like this everlasting thing," Basinski said, and added that he even tries to involve the client in the music videos too.

So, what's the goal with these music videos?

"I want to have fun [and] I want to my clients to have fun with it too," Basinski explained, and added that he wants to get as many people as possible to see the videos as well.

Basinski also hopes that other real estate agents will follow his lead too, and break out of the mould that all virtual tours have to look the same way.

This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.

This GTA Realtor Made A Muppet-Like Music Video To Sell His Mom's House & There's An Offer
Source: News Article Viral

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