A Man Accidentally Got Paid 300 Times His Salary & Now He's Totally Disappeared With The Money

We'd probably all not mind being paid 300 times more than we usually do, but what would you do if one day your paycheck was way (way!) bigger than it was supposed to be?

Well for one employee from Chile, that situation happened and he has seemingly disappeared with the money.

As reported by Metro UK, the employee received a monthly cheque equivalent to over $230,000 CAD for his work in May.

It was whole lot of cash compared to his usual pay-out of a little over $700 per month — which is less than the average take-home pay in Chile of a bit over $1,100 a month.

Apparently, the man did report the mix-up to HR at his company — Consorcio Industrial de Alimentos in Santiago, Chile — when he noticed the massive chunk of change in his bank account.

But, after promising to give the money back the next day, he was nowhere to be found.

And, to make matters more interesting, he has also reportedly withdrawn all the funds and no one has spoken to him since.

Catch Me If You Can has nothing on this story!

After some failed attempts at making contact with the man, the company was contacted by the man's lawyer saying he's resigned from his position.

Well, it doesn't take an expert to predict that was going to happen.

No arrests have been made in connection with this situation, but the company has charged the missing man with misappropriation of funds.

And whatever comes of this situation, it's definitely one of those situations where many might wonder "what would I do?"

It seems this Chilean man's answer was "Grab the cash and get the hell out of dodge."

A Man Accidentally Got Paid 300 Times His Salary & Now He's Totally Disappeared With The Money
Source: News Article Viral

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