A Canadian Flight Attendant Got Real About What The Job Is Like & Here Are The Biggest Perks

Working as a flight attendant seems like the dream job — being able to travel around the world and get paid for it. A Vancouver flight attendant told Narcity the everyday reality of the gig and the best perks she gets from it.

While it is pretty dreamy, flight attendants have to put up with some pretty annoying passengers and wild working hours.

Lia Lavoie has to deal with it all while flying out to Vancouver International Airport, but still loves her job and all its benefits. Lavoie shares all of her adventures on her TikTok account, and it will probably make any 9-5 worker out there jealous.


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What's it like being a flight attendant?

Lavoie said that her schedule varies, but she usually starts the day at a hotel in some city.

"I like to go for a walk and find a nice coffee shop nearby or enjoy free coffee when there is included breakfast at the hotel," she said.

"I look for things to do in the area and either walk to explore the city or take public transportation. Sometimes I visit some friends I made while travelling if I'm in the same city as them," she added.

After a morning full of exploring a new city, she then heads back to the hotel to get ready for her flight.

"Hair, makeup, uniform, eat my homemade lunch, and I'm ready to go meet my crew in the lobby," she said.

"We then drive in the provided shuttle to the airport, ready to start our day."

What is the schedule like for a flight attendant

Lavoie said that she works her scheduled flights until her day is over and either goes home or ends up in another city until her pairing is over, which can last up to four days.

If you've got the travel bug, spending four days out of the week waking up in new places might sound incredible!

Lavoie also said that how long she spends in a new city depends on her schedule and the destination, so it's always different.

"It can be minimum 10 hours sometimes or even 24 hours," she said.

The best perks of flight attendant

Lavoie said there are a lot of perks to her job, and what's considered the best really depends on the person.

"For me, I would say it's the lifestyle you get to live. Not a day is the same, you sleep in nice hotels and get to visit tons of places. You also get a lot of days off and can build your schedule the way you want it," she said.

"But let's be honest, the biggest perk is the flight benefits. We can travel for so cheap and actually have the time for it with that many days off. It's the best job to live your best life," she added.

A Canadian Flight Attendant Got Real About What The Job Is Like & Here Are The Biggest Perks
Source: News Article Viral

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