A Woman Used A Pregnancy Test To Catch Her Snooping In-Law & People Can't Handle The 'Audacity'

How would you feel if your partner's mom was poking around your bedroom every day after you went to work?

One Reddit user says she suspected her mother-in-law of doing just that, so she set a trap and her in-law walked right into it in the most public and cringe-worthy way you can imagine.

The woman posted about the entire incident on Reddit's popular Am I The A**hole forum, where she wanted to know if she'd crossed the line with the clever trap she'd set for her mother-in-law.

She explained that her husband's mom moved in with them a month ago and "I began to notice my stuff in the bedroom being touched." She says she had a hunch that it was the mother-in-law but her husband wouldn't believe it, so she set a trap for her nosy visitor.

"I got me one of those fake positive pregnancy tests and threw it in the bedroom's trashcan," she wrote.

The mother-in-law, of course, found the test and couldn't keep her mouth shut, according to the original poster.

"Literally the next day after I got to work, I got tons of calls and texts from my in-laws 'congratulating' me for my 'pregnancy,'" she wrote. She added that her husband showed up at her job and asked why she'd kept it a secret.

That's when the original poster revealed her trick: not only was the test fake, but it proved that he was wrong and that the mother-in-law was sneaking into their bedroom each day.

However, things didn't go the way she expected. Instead of the husband getting mad at his mom, he demanded that his wife take another test on the spot. "He was livid asking how could I lie about such a thing and break his mom's heart since I know (...) that she longs for kids."

She added that her husband, her mother-in-law and their family are now giving her "sh*t" and calling her a "liar and a manipulator" for the stunt.

But does that make her the a**hole in this situation?

Not according to the tens of thousands of Redditors who upvoted her post.

"If you WERE preg, how dare she announce it," wrote the top commentor, who also suggested she buy a lock for her bedroom door. "So many red flags; one of you needs to go and it shouldn't have to be you."

Many users blasted the mother-in-law for thinking it was her place to share news of the pregnancy, especially when she didn't talk to the woman first.

Another user said she was shocked by the "audacity" of the husband to defend his mom and force his wife to take a pregnancy test on the spot.

"Counseling or divorce," wrote another user. "Your husband is the problem."

"Husband and his whole family all suck," added another user.

"He needs to grow up and stop being a momma's boy," someone else wrote.

Have you ever snooped in someone else's trash?



A Woman Used A Pregnancy Test To Catch Her Snooping In-Law & People Can't Handle The 'Audacity'
Source: News Article Viral

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