Canada's Weather Forecast Says October Will See Summer-Like Temperatures Despite El Niño

Don't put away your shorts just yet! A new Canada weather forecast has been released predicting what's in store for the country this month, and it may not be what you'd typically expect.

Canada's October weather forecast says parts of the country are in for weather more typical of summer, with record-breaking temperatures.

According to a fall forecast from The Weather Network, while a strong El Niño pattern has developed in the tropical Pacific Ocean, the weather pattern isn't driving temperatures in North America as it has in previous years.

Instead of the typical cold October that Canada would typically see, this year, most of the country will actually see warmer-than-normal weather to start off the month.

"In fact, many will experience weather more typical of summer with record-breaking, warm temperatures," says TWN.

However, the heat won't last forever — according to the forecast, it won't be long until the country sees a "pattern change" bringing in "much colder weather."

These colder temperatures will take hold across the Prairies before spreading east across Ontario and Quebec over the Thanksgiving long weekend, the weather outlet says.

While the temperatures will be "chilly enough to bring a chance for snow to some communities," in Central Canada, southern Ontario and the GTA are set to see a "more modest drop of 'only' 10-15 degrees."

This colder weather pattern will hang around from the eastern Prairies to the Maritimes into the second week of October, TWN says.

Western Canada, however, will see the return of "much warmer weather," with the potential for more summery temperatures for a few days.

The Weather Network predicts that this pattern of warmer-than-normal temperatures will become the dominant weather pattern across most of the country in mid-to late-October.

As a whole, despite some bouts of chilly weather, including a "significant shot of colder weather across Eastern Canada during the final week of October," the month is predicted to be warmer than normal for most of the country.

Don't think that means you won't need to break out the umbrellas, though — The Weather Networks says there's "no doubt" that this year will include some high-impact storms, with a "risk for very strong winds and excessive rain."

Enjoy that sunshine while it lasts!

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

Canada's Weather Forecast Says October Will See Summer-Like Temperatures Despite El Niño
Source: News Article Viral

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