Canadians Shared What They've Given Up To Save Money & So Many Little Pleasures Have Been Cut

If you've been changing your spending habits to save money, you're definitely not alone.

Over on the Reddit page r/AskACanadian, a user recently asked the simple question, "What usual purchase have you recently given up?"

The user said that they've had to give up ordering banana bread at Starbucks as each slice now costs over $4, so they've been baking their own instead. As well, they noted that thanks to the rise in the prices of groceries, cauliflower is now a "treat food."

"I stopped having coffee at home, let alone going out for it," shared one Redditor. "The kind I like is just too much money now. Before I could get a big can for $7 on sale, and now the sale price is $15. I don’t mind tea now, but it doesn’t hit as hard as coffee did."

Many said that going out for a meal is no longer financially feasible.

"We still will get fast food or pizza occasionally but yeah, dine in at restaurants is pretty much completely cut out," wrote one user. "Between the inflated price of food and the new standard 20% tip they’re pricing themselves out of business."

"I can get pizza to feed my family for 2 days for under $50. Can’t feed my family of 4 at a dine in for under $100 it’s an easy answer," said another. "Every once in a while I’ll take the kids out for breakfast, at least that’s still only about $60."

In terms of other cuts, people listed some of the small splurges they've had to give up in order to save some loonies and toonies.

"Sephora for me lol. It used to be one of the few things I’d spend money on full price, but I can’t justify it in any way anymore," explained a Redditor. "When a few days of food is $40 I’ll get the $8 eyeliner, not the $40 one."

"Driving for the fun of it - it wasn't frequent, but 'going for a drive' just to chill out, maybe take in some nice scenery, was a regular activity growing up, and I'd do that maybe once a month in my 20s," shared one user. No more, with gas getting closer to $2/L."

"Meat, booze, Tim's coffee, buying lunches," one person said succinctly.

While it definitely isn't pleasant to make those cuts, they do add up — a Narcity employee recently went over their spending habits and is managing to save almost $350 a month.

Every little bit helps!

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

Canadians Shared What They've Given Up To Save Money & So Many Little Pleasures Have Been Cut
Source: News Article Viral

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