Discover The Passion Dairy Farmers Bring To The Table For Everybody

Ever considered the milk you and your family enjoy every day is produced in Ontario by local dairy farming families? Understanding the power of community and the importance of supporting local, Ontario dairy farmers continue to find moments where they can share their knowledge and enthusiasm for farming with their communities. This fall, Dairy Farmers of Ontario hosted the 'Ontario Dairy Farmers Corner' at Bloor Borden Farmers Market to help remind Ontarians about the 3,200+ dairy farming families who produce the high-quality milk Canadians enjoy every day, and their love for what they do.

According to dairy farmer Ericka Wilson from Port Perry, Ontario, "Teaming up with the Bloor Borden Farmers Market was a fun way for us to celebrate our love for local and remind consumers that the milk we enjoy across Ontario, is all locally produced with care by proud dairy farming families just like mine! We were delighted to connect with fellow milk lovers and other local farmers and vendors.”

While going to your community's farmer’s market is a great way to support local, we are heading into colder months and there is still much more local produce and products to choose from in grocery stores, including milk that is produced right here in Ontario by local dairy farmers, every day. To showcase the high-quality milk that local Ontario dairy farmers bring to the table, renowned host of Top Chef Canada and cookbook author, Eden Eats, whipped up a delicious dairy snack with a fusion of flavours. This culinary treat made its debut at the bustling Bloor Borden Farmers Market, leaving market-goers delighted by its delicious simplicity.

Whipped Ricotta Toast with Honey, Cracked Black Pepper and Lemon

Whipped Ricotta toast with Honey, Cracked Black Pepper and Lemon

Whipped Ricotta Toast with Honey, Cracked Black Pepper and Lemon

  • 6 cups local Ontario whole milk
  • 1 ½ tsp kosher salt
  • 1 lemon juiced = 3 tbs. of fresh lemon juice, and zest kept to finish
  • Cheese cloth
  • 1 tbs. butter
  • 2 pieces of 1-inch thick sourdough
  • Cracked black pepper to finish
  • honey to finish


  1. Place the milk in a pot and bring to a gentle boil. Take off heat and add in the kosher salt and lemon juice. Stir and let sit for 5 minutes until the milk starts to separate. Pour into a cheesecloth lined strainer over a large bowl and let strain until room temp. Keep emptying the liquid from the bowl underneath every 30 minutes so that it can properly strain. The longer you strain it, the thicker it gets.
  2. Once the ricotta has strained, place in a food processor and give a blend until the ricotta is smooth, light and whipped. Keep to the side until ready to use. Place a pan on the stove and heat up the butter. Add in the sliced bread and toast on one side until golden. Flip over and toast the other side. Place the golden toast on a plate and pipe the whipped ricotta on top. Zest the lemon, drizzle over the honey, and cracked black pepper. Enjoy!

For more insights into Dairy Farmers of Ontario, check out their website and socials.

Discover The Passion Dairy Farmers Bring To The Table For Everybody
Source: News Article Viral

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