Some Canadians Would Give Up A Chunk Of Their Salary For Dog-Friendly Perks At Work

We all know that dogs are our best friends, and a recent report has highlighted just how far some pet owners are willing to go to have the best for their canine companions.

According to a report from Rover, 72% of Canadians think that working for a dog-friendly company is more important now than before the pandemic.

Researchers also discovered through two surveys that many find that working with their pooch helps to increase their mental health.

The report also showed that 41% of pet parents would give up some of their salary for "robust dog-friendly benefits like a pet insurance stipend, free dog walking, and days off for pet bereavement."

"One-quarter of Canadian dog owners claim they would 'definitely' leave their current job if the company suddenly removed dog-friendly perks and benefits," detailed the report. "Another 28% would strongly consider looking for another job."

People are apparently also willing to give up goodies - a third of people would forego free coffee and snacks in the office if it meant they could have a dog-friendly culture at work.

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