Calling all PRESTO card users: there's a new update to the card system that will show TTC drivers (and yourself, of course) everything there is to know about your PRESTO.
In an announcement posted on September 24, the TTC said they've updated PRESTO card reader screens, so they'll show how much you've paid if you're transferring, how much is left on your card, and whether or not you're paying with a monthly pass.
@almightykishka #toronto
It will also show if you're card has been declined, if you have no more rides left, if it's expired, if you activated your PRESTO online, if it's already been tapped, if it's a blocked card, and if you need to reload your funds.
There is also a brand-new three-toned chime sound and a flashing yellow light that will appear whenever a child card is being used, meaning if you're an adult trying to sneak a ride with a child card, you're more likely to get caught red-handed.
All TTC customers who use the Fair Pass Discount Program will hear only one beep when they tap their card on the reader instead of two.
These changes began rolling through on September 25 at all of the card readers on TTC buses and streetcars. The fare gates will be getting their updates all through October, but the changes began rolling out Monday.
New Presto Card Changes Are Now In Effect & It's Easier To Get Caught Evading Your Fare
Source: News Article Viral