Barbados Cut Ties With Queen Elizabeth II & Declared Rihanna A National Hero

Barbados just traded in the British Queen for its own homegrown pop-culture royalty.

The island nation officially cut ties with Queen Elizabeth II on Monday, ending nearly 400 years of British rule that includes a long history of colonialism and slavery. It also named Rihanna a national hero at a grand ceremony with the singer and Prince Charles in attendance.

The ceremony was held to mark Barbados' last day before becoming a republic, and it ended with the prime minister handing power over to the country's first-ever president, The Guardian reports.

It was an hours-long celebration with lots of singing, dancing, speeches and a ceremony to honour Rihanna, who became the first person to receive the country's national hero award since the award was founded over two decades ago.

"May you continue to shine like a diamond and bring honour to your nation by your works, by your actions," Prime Minister Mia Mottley told Rihanna at the ceremony, which was streamed online.

Prince Charles represented his mother at the ceremony, where he said goodbye to a country that will never have him as its king.

The Prince of Wales described the moment as a "new beginning," and acknowledged the "appalling atrocity of slavery" that "forever stains our history."

Barbados' new president, Dame Sandra Mason, awarded the prince with the country's Order of Freedom.

Barbados announced its plans to become a republic last year after flirting with the idea for a long time.

The Queen will no longer be its head of state, although it'll remain a part of the British Commonwealth.

Barbados Cut Ties With Queen Elizabeth II & Declared Rihanna A National Hero
Source: News Article Viral

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