This Adorable Disabled Toronto Dog Is Looking For A Home But No One Wants Him

A special Toronto dog named Sam is looking for his forever home, but so far, no one has shown any interest in him.

Sam has been up for adoption for over three weeks, and no one has asked about him or put in an application, according to Emma Ricci, New Collar Collective's volunteer manager and foster coordinator.

Ricci says she finds that "dogs with disabilities are either really popular or they get no interest at all."

Eryn Bugbee

"He's been posted for over three weeks now, and we've had no luck."

The four-year-old Indian Pariah mix came to Toronto from India, where he was partially paralyzed after being hit by a car.

The resourceful pup now uses a wheelchair to move around although he prefers to scoot around with the help of a drag bag, according to Ricci.

Sam does need some extra TLC due to his injuries, and his new family will have to help him use the washroom four times a day through expression.

This just means he will need to be stimulated to use the washroom to avoid accidents as he only has partial control over his bladder and bowels due to his injuries, and overnight he would need to wear a diaper.

Ricci says, "Sam is really sweet."

"He's very lovey. He loves his people."

"He would probably love a family that would take him for two quick walks a day and spend a lot of time snuggling with him on the couch."

Sam's journey

Sam has dealt with a lot in his life, but thanks to some amazing rescue groups and individuals, he is finally in the position to find a family.

Sam came from a rescue group in Punjab called Cawa Nurturing the Bond after his accident, where his chances of getting adopted were close to zero.

Ricci says the shelter he came from was very "run down," and since "he is paralyzed, there was really no chance he would have been adopted."

"He probably would have spent his whole life in that shelter."

Angela Parker from Second Chance Animal Sanctuary and Rescue connected New Collar Collective with the rescue group in India, and Sam was able to be transferred to Toronto, where he would have better chances of finding a home.

He arrived with a flight buddy who volunteered to guide him on his way to Canada on October 26 and made his way to his foster family's home.

Sam's fosters, Eryn Bugbee and Kathryn Morse, have been looking after Sam ever since, dressing him up for Halloween as the Scooby-Doo mystery van, taking care of him through medical scares and hoping that he finds his forever home.

Eryn Bugbee

Unfortunately, due to unexpected circumstances, Sam's foster will be travelling over the holidays, which means until he is adopted, he will need to find another foster family to look after him.

Ricci says one application has come in to foster Sam but that they are always in need of foster homes for their animals.

How to adopt Sam

Sam's adoption fee is $725, and he is already neutered and up to date on all of his shots and vaccines.

Sam would do best as the only animal in a home with no or older children. His owner would also have to be open to working with his reactivity towards others dogs.

However, he is a low-energy dog, according to his fosters, who loves people and cuddles, so if you're looking for a sweet pup to keep you company who prefers to watch TV rather than go for a hike, Sam might be your guy.

To put in an adoption application or learn more about Sam, you can visit New Collar Collective's website.

This Adorable Disabled Toronto Dog Is Looking For A Home But No One Wants Him
Source: News Article Viral

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