Gurkiran Kaur Got Candid About Jagmeet Singh's Diaper Changing Game At The Junos (VIDEO)

Jagmeet Singh and Gurkiran Kaur turned up in style for the 2022 JUNOS Award show and Kaur spilled some tea on her husband's dad skills.

The NDP leader and Kaur chatted with Narcity Canada's Ashna Bharkhada on the red carpet about their shared love for Tesher and what the new parents are up to.

Kaur revealed that four-month-old baby Ahnad was spending the night with her maternal grandma, allowing "mom and dad" to have a date night, which the two high-fived about. How sweet!

When asked about who changes diapers the most, Kaur admitted, "I gotta give this to him."

"For the first two weeks of her existence, I did not change one diaper," she said. "It was all him."

Kaur went on to say that her first diaper change was done when Singh wasn't around to help her with the duty.

"The only reason I had to after those two weeks is because I went to a consultation and she was with me, and she peed, and I'm like, 'I guess now I have to.'"

While some might think Singh would be relieved that Kaur eventually took up diaper duty, that was not the case for the doting hubby and dad.

"I was a little heartbroken because I didn't want her to have to touch a diaper ever," Singh admitted.

Dads of the world, take note!

"He was really good to me for those first few months," Kaur revealed, which Singh jokingly took exception to.

"Just the first few months?" he asked his wife.

"It's only been a few months!" she responded as the two shared a laugh.

Singh got real though and shared his true feelings about helping out.

"Anything I can do to support I feel honoured that I'm able to," he said.

Hopefully the pair had a great date night!

Gurkiran Kaur Got Candid About Jagmeet Singh's Diaper Changing Game At The Junos (VIDEO)
Source: News Article Viral

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