Two People Fell Into A Mars Chocolate Tank & It Had A Happier Ending Than 'Willy Wonka'

Augustus Gloop who?

Two people are safe but maybe a little sticky after a Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory-style incident at the Mars M&M factory in Pennsylvania.

Two factory workers fell into a giant tank of chocolate on Thursday and had to be pulled out by rescue crews, according to police.

However, they weren't exactly swimming in the liquid, as it was just waist-high, reports The Daily Mail.

Emergency personnel arrived at the scene and were there for about an hour before the two people were taken out of the tank.

Brad Wolfe, the communications supervisor for Lancaster County 911 dispatch, told CNN that it is "unclear how they fell into the chocolate tank," but to get them out, the fire crew had to cut a hole on the side of the tank. Wolfe also mentioned that no injuries have been reported.

The two were pulled out and then taken to the hospital, with one being transported by ground, while the other was flown via helicopter, reported CNN.

People online couldn't help but make the connection to a Willy Wonka scene where Augustus Gloop falls into the river of chocolate.

"Two workers had to be rescued from a chocolate tank in an M&Ms Factory in Pennsylvania. I'm sure it was traumatic, but if that ain't the most Willy Wonka ass story I've ever heard," said @claire_sable.

"All I’m saying is, if I end up in a tank of chocolate, leave me be. Toss in some almonds and shut the lid," said @dutchessprim.

Mars M&M is known for producing chocolate candy bars such as 3 Musketeers, Twix, Snickers, Twix and M&Ms among others.

The company released a statement about the incident that read, "We can confirm both people have been taken offsite for further evaluation. We're extremely grateful for the quick work of first responders," said the Daily Mail.

We're pretty sure they won't be getting a golden ticket for the incidnet.

Two People Fell Into A Mars Chocolate Tank & It Had A Happier Ending Than 'Willy Wonka'
Source: News Article Viral

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