The US’ Frigid 2022 Winter Weather Forecast Reveals It Will Split The Country In Half

For the past week, the Farmers' Almanac has gradually released its 2022-2023 winter weather forecast predictions for the United States revealing that this year's season will basically split the country into two parts that will experience starkly different temperatures.

It'll soon be time to bundle up for one-half of the country, including the Midwest, the Northeast up through New England, the Appalachian areas, and even down in the South. Come November, "bone-chilling" temperatures will encroach on these areas making them "colder than normal."

On the contrary, it'll most likely be a green Christmas for much of the other half like the Pacific Northwest, California, the Mountain regions and the desert Southwest, which are each forecasted to have a milder winter than average, through to even February of next year.

According to the Almanac's forecast, many of the places around America that normally experience snowfall will see "loads" of snow.

More specifically, areas like the Atlantic corridor are set to have some pretty blistery months all the way from December to February.

This is probably good news for skiers and school children, but bad news for those who utterly hate the wintry weather and are reminded of the intense Nor'easters that often slam the area.

If you're not a fan of the cold, you might think about visiting the spots that most likely won't see any snow in this coming season. The dead giveaways are states like rainy Florida and certain dry desert areas of the Southwest that never receive snow.

The Farmers' Almanac will release its full report on this year's winter weather season on August 30.

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

The US’ Frigid 2022 Winter Weather Forecast Reveals It Will Split The Country In Half
Source: News Article Viral

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