These Are The Best & Easiest Sustainable Swaps To Make, According To Narcity Canada Readers

For many Canadians, finding ways to be more environmentally friendly has become a major priority. In fact, 82% of the 491 recently polled Narcity Canada readers said that they’ve already made changes in their lives to be more sustainable.

There are plenty of ways you can make eco-friendly changes in your life, from the simple, like recycling, to the extensive, like switching to solar power.

Certainly, it can seem like a challenge to live the most sustainable life you can, but you don’t have to completely overhaul your life to be more environmentally conscious.

For the Narcity Canada readers polled, there were a few sustainable swaps that came out on top when it comes to simplicity and effectiveness.

Recycling Is Number One

When asked what was the best and easiest sustainable swap, recycling got 46% of the votes (297 Narcity Canada readers).

And it’s easy to see why recycling would be right up there: We can recycle in our homes and have it collected regularly and many products are made from recycled material themselves.

Companies Stepping Up To The Recycling Game

Louie Murray | Narcity

In an effort to contribute to the world’s environmental efforts, companies are getting on board with eco-friendly initiatives. DASANI, for example, is taking a big step toward a sustainable future through recycling.

This summer, DASANI launched new bottles across Canada — made from 100% recycled plastic. All package sizes have made the transition (excluding caps and labels).

The initiative is part of a greater effort to create a "circular economy" for packaging that will minimize the introduction of new plastic into the environment and extend the useful life of plastic already in circulation — all thanks to Canadians who recycle.

Louie Murray | Narcity

It’s estimated that the switch will save over 20 million pounds (9 million kilograms) of new plastic in Canada and the U.S. equating to roughly 552 million bottles being produced in 2023 alone (compared to 2019). Now that’s a sustainable swap!

Sprite is also joining the cause. The iconic green bottle is going clear, which will increase the likelihood of it being remade into a new bottle.

cottonbro | Pexels

More Easy Sustainable Swaps

Recycling might be top of the list, but it’s far from the only sustainable move that Narcity Canada readers are making. Here are some others that were shared by folks who took the poll:

  • "I swapped out plastic wrap and sandwich bags with beeswax paper and reusable bags."
  • "Refillable laundry soap and fabric softener bottles!”
  • "Eat less meat.”
  • "Thrifting! Literally swapping clothes with a group of friends every few months.”
  • "Switching from shower gel/hand soap to soap bars.”
  • "Composting food waste and using it in my garden.”
  • "My metal straw! Never leave home without it!

CDC | Unsplash

Whatever it is you decide to do — recycling your plastics, composting your food scraps or eating less meat — remember that change doesn't happen right away. Whatever change you can make, however small, it’s worth it.

And you’re not alone either. Brands like DASANI are giving your recycling efforts a boost and setting Canada up for a more sustainable future with their new 100% recycled bottles.

To learn more about DASANI’s 100% recycled plastic bottles, check out Coca-Cola’s website or follow them on Facebook or Instagram.

These Are The Best & Easiest Sustainable Swaps To Make, According To Narcity Canada Readers
Source: News Article Viral

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