These 3 Texas Cities Have The US Most Unfaithful People & California Is Happily In Love

While we don't want to poison your mind with the worry of your partner cheating on you, writer Amy Pritchett from My Dating Adviser recently did a U.S. study to find the cities with the highest rate of unfaithfulness, and the top three are in Texas.

Using U.S. Census Bureau data for 200 of the country's major cities, the relationship advice company looked at things like marriage and divorce rates as well as the happiness index and "infidelity intent" to create a ranking of the places with the sneakiest citizens in relationships.

Topping the list is Dallas, TX, which ranks high for its volume of Google searches of people looking for an affair, in addition to its divorce or separation rate.

Very close behind is its metroplex neighbor Fort Worth, TX (No.2), followed by Houston, TX (No. 3) with similar data numbers showing that Texans don't seem to be the most loyal to one romantic partner.

Statistics from the study show the North Texas area beats the Bayou City for people searching for entanglements outside of relationships and seems to ultimately lead to that high rate of separation.

Other cities that made it to the top 10 are St. Louis, Nashville, Philadelphia, New York, Knoxville, Atlanta and Washington D.C.

We don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but there are a heck of a lot more people searching for extramarital affairs in the Lone Star State than there are in sunny Cali.

To put it in perspective, the same company shared the 10 most faithful cities in the same report, and the top 4 is made up of Californian cities (Pasadena, Torrance, Roseville, Visalia), which got a very low score for suspicious Google searches.

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

These 3 Texas Cities Have The US Most Unfaithful People & California Is Happily In Love
Source: News Article Viral

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