Canadians From Coast To Coast Gathered To Show Support For Iranian Protestors (PHOTOS)

On Saturday, October 1, Canadians gathered to show support for people protesting the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian woman who died after being detained by the country's morality police for wearing her mandatory hijab too loose.

While authorities in the country have said they would investigate the cause of Amini's death, nationwide demonstrations in Iran have garnered support from all over the world, Canada included.

"More than 50,000 Iranian protesting in #Toronto (Richmond Hill) for #MahsaAmini, 1st of October 2022," said a tweet from Emad Modirzadeh with footage of pedestrians taking over a street.

CBC confirmed that thousands gathered to march in Richmond Hill as well as in Montreal.

In St. John's, about 300 people came together, and in Ottawa, 1,000 gathered.

According to Global News, thousands gathered in Vancouver to form a human chain between Stanley Park and the Vancouver Art Gallery.

A tweet from an account called @WeAreMahsaYVR showed a variety of signs for people to use in demonstrations.

"Let's spice it up," they tweeted along with hashtags like #Mahsa_Amini #Vancouver and #JusticeForMahsaAmini.

And in Halifax, hundreds of people marched through the streets, according to CTV.

"Halifax shows its support for Mahsa Amini," tweeted the city's mayor, Mike Savage. "Powerful voices today speaking for justice for Iran. Thank you to the organizers and everyone who took part."

A viral TikTok from an Ontario psychiatry resident explained why the protests are more than about those who want to do away with the hijab when someone asked her to take her own off to "support women in Iran."

"I exercised my right to choose how I wanted to dress. You know what women in Iran deserve? That very same choice," said Dr. Nahla.

“They deserve the freedom to choose how they want to dress, just like I do."

Canadians From Coast To Coast Gathered To Show Support For Iranian Protestors (PHOTOS)
Source: News Article Viral

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