Justin Trudeau Was On 'Canada's Drag Race' & He Brought Some Of The Queens To Tears (VIDEO)

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made an appearance on Canada's Drag Race: Canada vs the World and he even made some of the queens emotional.

During the second episode of the season that streamed on Friday, November 25 on Crave in Canada, Trudeau was welcomed to the werkroom by Brook Lynn Hytes.

The prime minister is the first world leader to appear on Drag Race and dropped by the werkroom to talk with the queens before they got ready for a challenge.

"To have a world leader in the werkroom talking to us, how amazing is this? You better work, Justin Trudeau," Ra'Jah O'Hara said.

Trudeau made sure the Canadian queens were welcoming and polite but then pointed out that "polite doesn't mean no shade" in Canada.

Brooke Lynn Hytes then thanked the prime minister for being an ally and being the first Canadian leader to walk in a pride parade.

"It has been an incredible pleasure to be part of fighting the good fight on the right side that is about respecting people. Can we move beyond 'tolerate' and start embracing, loving and accepting and learning?" Trudeau said.

"That's how we build a resilient society," he continued. "That's what we're trying to do in Canada and we got a lot of work still to do."

Before leaving the werkroom to let the competition continue, Brooke Lynn Hytes asked if there were any other questions and Trudeau said, "When do I get to meet RuPaul?"

Brooke Lynn Hytes gasped and some of the queens started laughing and clapping at his sassy comment.

"Well, Justin Trudeau, you just won the reading challenge," Brooke Lynn Hytes said. "And now, my dear, sashay away."

After Trudeau left, the queens chatted about his visit and some even got emotional about it.

"I have full-body goosebumps," said Victoria Scone.

"I love him so much because people like him made it easy for immigrants to migrate here and have a chance for a better life," Stephanie Prince said, tearing up. "Seeing him being here it's so nice. So, I thank him and people like him."

Icesis Couture also got emotional and comforted Stephanie Prince along with Ra'Jah O'Hara and Silky Nutmeg Ganache.

"I'm not from Canada but to hear a politician speak so passionately and genuinely about that is just so heartwarming and my god so hopeful," said Victoria Scone. "And he knows that there's still work to do."

In Canada's Drag Race: Canada vs the World, Canadian drag queens compete against queens from the U.K., New Zealand and the U.S. to become "Queen of the Mother-Pucking World."

Justin Trudeau Was On 'Canada's Drag Race' & He Brought Some Of The Queens To Tears (VIDEO)
Source: News Article Viral

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