A Private Investigator Shared Safety Tips On TikTok & You Need To Stop Doing These 10 Things

A private investigator on TikTok (@jadeesavv) went viral for sharing her tips to stay safe, and it's the smallest things that can make the biggest difference.

She began her three-part series on December 20 and her first video has reached upwards of 3.4 million views. From around the house to posting online, the creator revealed common things people do every day that if they stopped doing could make their lives safer.

She gave 10 security measures to follow that could prevent you from being exposed to danger in the future.


Pla stop doing theae things and be safe! #privateinvestigator #privateinvestigation #safetytips

Don't leave your blinds open

She said that this one seems obvious, but so many people are oblivious to the fact that they don't shut their blinds. This small gesture of closing the view inside your home will stop people from knowing what you're up to and the layout of your place.

The P.I. continues to say that when she's on duty, she just needs to be in her car outside with a camera zoomed in to see everything down to the details of the show you're watching on television.

"It's like a gold mine."

Stop tagging yourself in places while you're still there

The expert says the best thing to do is to save the photo or video and wait until after you left to post it.

"I can't explain how many times I've been sitting outside of somebody's house, I can't figure out why they're not there. Where are they at? [I] go to Instagram and they've tagged themselves at the café across the street," she said, "and, sure enough, there they are."

She explains not to leave a "footprint" where people can easily follow you.

Don't tag places that you frequent

Tagging places like your gym or a coffee shop that you always go to is not a great idea because people can pick up on your habits.

The investigator mentions that you don't want people who don't know you to start to know you.

Don't look down at your phone when walking through a parking lot

Be aware of your surroundings at all times, she urges, especially in larger malls with bigger parking lots.

You want to make sure both your hands are free and you see what's around you in case anything were to happen so that you are prepared for anything that could arise.

If you think someone is following you, drive to the police station

If you think someone is following you, do not drive home or to your apartment complex. Head straight to the police station. This tactic is supposed to "spook" whoever is following you, and, if not, at least you are where authorities are.

Whatever you do, the professional says to not go anywhere near your neighborhood, not even your mom's house.

Lock your windows and your garage door


Replying to @chontaex Part 2! Please be safe! #privateinvestigator #privateinvestigation #safetytips

Typically, people open their windows, shut them and walk away, forgetting to lock them.

"This leaves yourself really vulnerable for if people are walking around trying to look for open windows," the creator says in part two.

Your garage is also an entrance to your home and is another entryway that should be locked. If you don't have a lock on your garage, the investigator gives suggestions in her third video of the series for different products you can use to keep it secure.

Don't post that you're going out of town for a week

If you are going on vacation for the week, of course, you want to let your friends and family know you're having the best time, but it's not safe to publish it out in the open.

No matter how long you are gone, as soon as you upload that you're not home, it is an indicator that your home is not supervised.

"You're giving people an invitation to break into your home."

Don't post your job on Facebook

If you post your job, people can then head over to your office. Though many people work from home, you are still giving that person insight into your life.

For non-remote workers, you are giving someone access to knowing your weekly routine.

Be careful about the information you give to people at the bar

It's almost inevitable to meet people at a bar, but the information you provide them with can be tricky.

"If you're out at the bar and someone thinks you're really cute, they find out your name, they find your social media. They don't know your address, but they know where you work, now," she said.

This gives that person access to potentially follow you at work and then follow you home to your residence, and then they know where you live.

Don't put your kids' school online

Going to school is habitual, and, if you publish where your kids are every day, that gives the public knowledge to find your children between certain hours of the day. It's also not safe for the adult.

"If I've gone to your work and you're not there and I know that you pick your kid up from school and I know your kid goes to school," she continued, "my next stop is your kid's school."

A Private Investigator Shared Safety Tips On TikTok & You Need To Stop Doing These 10 Things
Source: News Article Viral

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