An American Visited Canada For The First Time & Asked If Bulk Barn Is Our Disney World (VIDEO)

An American TikToker recently crossed the border into Canada and jokingly shared his point of view on a few uniquely Canadian things.

Over on the account for @nickcogs, the TikTok starts off with him in a grocery store holding up a bottle of Canada Dry, which is simply Ginger Ale in other countries.

"Yo, I've heard of this stuff, it's like your national drink, right?" he said of the fizzy beverage.

It then cut to him holding a large box of Dad's Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies while lovingly stroking it.

"What bro? I had to get them dude, they don't even sell them in the States," he explained to the person behind the camera before looking at the box again and wondering why there was French on it.

The camera then pans to the outside of a Bulk Barn, where he gazes in awe at the wonder that is the bulk food store.

Then, as he surveyed the interior with its bins filled with nuts, candies and other goods, he had an interesting speculation: "Yo, is this your guys' Disney World or something?"

He then runs into a bin of Smarties, which led to some confusion, as "Smarties" in America are what we call Rockets.


Never visted a foreign cpuntry before its so different #canada #college #windsor

After that exciting pit stop, he proceeded to chirp Canada a little bit.

"Oh so you're just copying everything we do now?" he said as they drove past a McDonald's, which is in fact available in a lot of countries around the world.

And lastly, while holding a can of Alexander Keith's beer, he had one final thought.

"You're telling me I can drink here at 19? Why the hell am I in America?"

Good question!

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

An American Visited Canada For The First Time & Asked If Bulk Barn Is Our Disney World (VIDEO)
Source: News Article Viral

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