Cringey Holiday Content From Doug Ford & Transport Canada Is Getting So Much Hate (VIDEOS)

Holiday messages from politicians have gotten way more creative over the years thanks to social media and the help of some talented video teams but the latest best wishes for 2022 from Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Transport Canada have taken things to a whole new level.

Some seriously improved video production was hard to ignore in the videos posted to Twitter on Friday morning and people were quick to jump all over this content and question how much it cost to put together.

Starting with Ford, the Premier put his baking apron back on to wish the people of Ontario a Merry Christmas while decorating some holiday cookies.

"I'll tell you at our family, we love baking. I love baking cookies. As you can tell, I haven't missed too many Christmas cookies," Ford said, tapping his own belly in front of a cooling rack full of undecorated cookies.

"I'm going to start off with frosty the snowman here," Ford said, as he began decorating his cookies with icing. "I like lots of icing," said the Premier.

While decorating the cookies, Ford shared some of his Christmas memories from when he was younger, which included playing street hockey, leaving a glass of milk and cookies out for Santa, and leaving carrots out for the reindeer.

The video is a serious step up from earlier this year when Ford posted a video of himself carving a pumpkin on what seemed to be the world's wobbliest table, or way back when this first started when he shared his apparently "famous" cheesecake recipe.

As you might expect, the comments weren't full of people admiring Ford's attempt to draw a snowman on a holiday cookie.

Many people took shots at his government's recent controversies regarding healthcare and the greenbelt, while one Twitter user said, "you make it hard to like you," and another wrote, "read the room brother lol."

But which video is worse?

Hours after Ford's latest baking adventure, Canada's Transport Minister Omar Alghabra posted a video to Twitter, showcasing his attempt at an Oscar-worthy performance alongside some Hollywood-level movie production.

"Santa, it’s time. Will my mission to authorize Santa in the Canadian airspace be successful?" reads the tweet from Alghabra.

The video starts off with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau putting on his best combat-leader impression, intensely checking his watch before picking up the phone to tell the transport minister, "Omar, it's time."

An action-movie sequence follows with Algahbra getting into a vehicle (with "Ho Ho Ho" as the license plate number) and being given a briefcase containing two Christmas ornaments.

He eventually smashes one with "accept mission" written on it that gives him the PIN needed to give Santa clearance to travel in Canadian airspace.

Ironic, given the number of Canadians that might be spending their holidays stuck in an airport due to storms that have left hundreds of flights cancelled

"Our tax dollars clearly being well spent so gov't officials can prance around larping as Jack Bauer," someone wrote on Twitter.

"Good God this is cringe," read another comment on the video, while someone else questioned what the Liberal government's budget is for cringey videos like this one.

Regardless of the level of effort put into their holiday messages, political leaders can rest assured the comment section of their social media will always be pretty one-sided.

So maybe this year Ford and Alghabra thought it was time to ignore the haters and go all out.

Cringey Holiday Content From Doug Ford & Transport Canada Is Getting So Much Hate (VIDEOS)
Source: News Article Viral

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