Teen Charged With Murdering A Homeless Man In Toronto Granted Bail & She Can Go To School

Eight teenage girls have been charged with the second-degree murder of a 59-year-old unhoused man, and one of the suspects has been released on bail.

CBC reports one of the girls was released by Justice Maria Sirivar on December 29 with bail set at $9,500, two sureties and a long list of conditions however, the young woman will be able to attend school.

The suspect will not be able to leave her home other than to go to school, and she won't be able to have any weapons or communicate with the other seven girls who have been charged.

Additionally, she cannot contact the victim's girlfriend, she must give up her passport and internet access except for school-related usage and she can't own a cellphone.

The suspect is also not allowed to leave Ontario.

CBC says the reasoning behind the young girl's bail condition will be revealed by Sirivar on January 10.

The other seven suspects will have their bail hearings set on January 5 as the eight girls reappear in youth court.

The murder, which sent shockwaves across the city for its' abnormality, took place on December 18, just 15 minutes after midnight, near York Street and University Avenue.

Toronto Police Service (TPS) reported that the Toronto man was assaulted and stabbed by a group of eight girls in a "swarming" style attack, according to Detective Sergeant Terry Browne.

The man was treated by medics and later pronounced dead at the hospital.

TPS says the suspects include three 13-year-olds, three 14-year-olds and two 16-year-olds.

At a press conference on December 20 Browne said that girls came from "carrying parts of the city" and that they don't know howling they had known each other for.

"We don't know how or why they met on that evening and why the destination was downtown Toronto. We don't know," Browne said.

Brown also revealed that the victim was living in the shelter system but had a "supportive family" nearby.

The identities of the girls haven't been released due to their ages.

Teen Charged With Murdering A Homeless Man In Toronto Granted Bail & She Can Go To School
Source: News Article Viral

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