Ontario Is Under A Rainfall Warning Today & Flooding Is Possible For These Cities

Ontario is under a rainfall warning on Monday, continuing the trend of wet weather that caused some residents to ring in 2023 with an umbrella in hand.

As of 11:11 a.m. on Monday, January 2, Environment Canada (EC) has issued rainfall warnings for the following areas:

  • Hamilton
  • Dunnville
  • Elgin
  • London-Middlesex
  • Niagara
  • Oxford
  • Sarnia
  • Simcoe
  • Windsor-Essex
  • Chatham-Kent

According to the warnings, total rainfall amounts could reach up to 45 millimetres by Tuesday morning. Conditions could become a problem for areas with frozen ground, which has a reduced ability to absorb water.

"Rain is forecast to begin tonight over southwestern Ontario and then spread northeastward early Tuesday," EC reports in the warning. "The rain will continue for several hours before tapering to showers from west to east Tuesday afternoon."

The Government of Ontario recommends the following steps for residents who find themselves facing a possible flood:

  • Avoid travel on roads that are near bodies of water
  • Do not stand or walk in moving water
  • Carry a stick to check for unstable ground if forced to walk in water
  • In worst-case scenarios, avoid using your plumbing system in case your septic tank or its disposal field is underwater

EC also warned that due to the threat of "localized flooding in low-lying areas", children and pets should be kept away from creeks and river banks.

"Rainfall warnings are issued when significant rainfall is expected," the report adds.

It's worth noting that no major flooding is expected on Monday. However, watercourses could reach or exceed their banks.

As a result, the government is recommending residents keep a close eye on local weather conditions.

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

Ontario Is Under A Rainfall Warning Today & Flooding Is Possible For These Cities
Source: News Article Viral

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