A Parent Refused To Pay For A Couple's Nudist Wedding & People Love How They Drew The Line

Weddings can be expensive and it's always a big help when you parents offer to cover your costs, but at what point do they get a say because they're footing the bill?

Many Redditors would say they know exactly where to draw the line, and that's when the bride and groom decide to show up naked at the ceremony.

A Reddit user has set off a major discussion about nudity and parental expectations, after basically calling out their daughter and her future husband for planning a clothing-optional wedding ceremony and expecting the parent to pay for it.

The anonymous parent turned to Reddit's "Am I The A**hole" forum with their dilemma, prompting hundreds of comments from people who simply can't believe the audacity of the future married couple in the story.

The user explained that they initially promised to cover $10,000 in expenses for their daughter's wedding, but things got complicated when the 27-year-old couple revealed their plans.

"I meant for it to be no strings attached, so long as they agreed to cover it if it went over budget," the parent explained.

"They were talking to me about the planning, and they said they wanted it to be clothing optional. As in, you can wear whatever you want, or nothing at all."

The parent said this couple has been hanging out with some "hippy-ish" friends and experimenting with nudism, but expecting parents and family to show up naked was going too far for them.

"The whole thing seemed weird," they wrote. "In the end I told them if that's what they want, I'm not gonna help pay for it. I also said that I probably wouldn't come, since no offense I don't want to see either of them naked."

The couple pointed out that it would be an 18+ wedding because of the nudity, but in the end they uninvited the parent for going back on their promise and said they'd pay for it themselves.

Redditors quickly flooded the comments with declarations that the parent is not the a**hole, because "no strings attached" doesn't apply when you bring nudity into it.

"You meant things like location, food, flowers, all those fun choices couples get to make," the top comment reads. "Not the decision to expose themselves in front of their entire family and exclude minor family members."

Some users pointed out that the $10,000 was a gift that shouldn't come with conditions, although many others pointed out that nudity isn't usually something you have to bring up as a condition.

Others compared the couple's expectations to the "puppet wedding," another infamous AmITheA**hole debate about a couple who expected all their guests to buy $500 marionettes to wear at their ceremony.

"Imagine if that's how we had to handle everything," one user wrote.

"I will pay for your wedding. On the condition that everyone is wearing clothes, nobody is a Nazi, the entertainment does not consist of an R-rated mime act, guests are not expected to bring their own puppets, the vows will not be recited in Klingon, and you do not burn an effigy of Karl Dönitz during the speeches. Let me know if I've missed anything."

Moderators deleted the post from Reddit after a few hours, but not before it piled up thousands of reactions and hundreds of comments. It's also been saved in other subreddits, because people clearly can't get over the whole situation.

"Tsk," wrote one user in another subreddit about the post. "Daughter is just thinking of the budget and trying to save as much money as possible. No dress to buy, no tux to rent, boom, instant savings."

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

A Parent Refused To Pay For A Couple's Nudist Wedding & People Love How They Drew The Line
Source: News Article Viral

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