Ontario's Only Nude Beach Might Be Seeing Some Big Changes & People Have Serious Concerns

The only nude beach in Ontario might see some changes in the next few years, but part of the community is not happy about it.

The City of Toronto proposed a "Toronto Island Park Master Plan" to improve parts of the island. But one of the big issues raised about the Master Plan are what it could mean for the future of Hanlan's Point, where the clothing-optional beach lies.

"The existing event space at Hanlan's Point consists of an open lawn area that has been used for over 15 years as a permitted space for a wide range of events," the city states. "The idea to improve or formalize this space in the Master Plan came through community and stakeholder engagement with both the public as well as staff and event organizers and is intended to balance and improve existing uses and visitor experience with impacts to the environment and adjacent habitat areas, programs and uses."

The Master Plan recommends adding a new sloped lawn which will allow for the "installation of critical infrastructure to support festivals and events in a sustainable way on the Island," a report mentions.

However, this idea doesn't seem well received by some people who frequent Hanlan's Point and there are pressures, now more than ever, because the deadline for this plan is in the summer of 2023.

City Councillors raising their voices

City Councillors Ausma Malik and Chris Moise sent a statement and shared it online about their concerns regarding the Master Plan.

"Torontonians know and recognize Hanlan's Point, Canada's oldest continuous queer space, to be a safe, public and precious place that has deep meaning and connection to Toronto's 2SLGBTQ+ community," the statement reads.

There have been "concerns" expressed about the plan and the future of what Hanlan's Point will look like.

Since the plan is not yet finalized, they're there will be more opportunities to improve "the outcome of this process."

"As local City Councillors, we wish to see Hanlan's Point celebrated and preserved as the safe, public, accessible, vibrant, and queer-friendly space it has been for many generations," they add.

Kristyn Wong-Tam also acknowledged the concerns and pushed her opinions forward.

People's reactions to Hanlan's Point potential changes

Moreover, an advocacy group on Instagram called "Hands Off Hanlan's" has expressed their critical opinions and views on the situation by raising awareness about what the Master Plan includes. They've gained over 5,000 followers.

"Attention, Toronto Queers! Hanlan's as we know it is in danger," one of the posts reads.

One of the many concerns raised revolves around the privacy of the nude beach, and whether that would be compromised if an event space or an attraction is brought to Hanlan's Point.

People have also taken to Reddit to voice their worries.

"Don't touch Hanlan!! It's one of the few free places to go and enjoy the outdoors without restriction and without gentrification!!" someone said.

"Christ the last thing we need is more public space turned over to private interests," another shared.

More about the research

Daniel Fusca, one of the project's planners, shared some of his views on the matter. "There was a lot of misinformation and alarm this week online about the Hanlan's event space. In retrospect, it's clear we didn't engage the Hanlan's community enough, which was an unfortunate mistake on my part given my deep love for and connection to the place," he tweeted.

Fusca then shared more about the matter in a Twitter thread. The process started back in 2020, and he describes many consultations taking place during the planning process, mentioning his team worked to incorporate feedback from these conversations.

"The event space proposed at Hanlan's as depicted is much smaller than 200,000 sq ft but it can be any size or it can not exist at all. What we did hear from event organizers is that some infrastructure would make it more economical to hold smaller events than can be held now," he said.

"We want to understand more of the community's concerns with this idea and to workshop the other ideas related to Hanlan's in the [master plan]," Fusca added.

"Hopefully, together, in a collaborative and respectful way, we can find a solution that the community can support," he concluded.

On February 27, the project team is hosting a Hanlan’s Workshop "to speak directly with beach users and 2SLGBTQ folks to listen to their concerns, thoughts and ideas." Fuesca also mentioned another meeting, this one virtual, would take place at a later date to open up the conversation further.

Ontario's Only Nude Beach Might Be Seeing Some Big Changes & People Have Serious Concerns
Source: News Article Viral

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