These Are The Best Tim Hortons Menu Items, According To Canada's Top Chefs

No matter where you live in Canada, chances are you have a go-to Tim Hortons order.

That being said, the Tim Hortons menu is so packed with items – from donuts and croissants to wraps and everything in between — so it can be hard to really pick a favourite.

To save you from taste-testing every single item on the Timmies menu, we turned to the experts to find out what's really worth ordering at Canada's biggest coffee chain.

Narcity reached out to some top Canadian chefs and asked them to spill the tea (or coffee) on their favourite Tim Hortons dishes and beverages, and their suggestions may not be what you'd expect.

So the next time you’re heading to a Tim Hortons near you, why not ditch your usual order and try these dishes? After all, they do come officially chef-recommended.

Sour Cream Glazed Donut

Next time you're staring at Tim Hortons' vast donut range and can't decide what to get, take a leaf out of Mark McEwan's book.

The chef, who is known for his appearances in shows such as Wall of Chefs and Top Chef Canada, has a clear favourite: the sour cream glazed donut.

The reason, he says, is because it's a classic recipe that they seem to have perfected while "many of the new donuts are dense and overdone with toppings."

Breakfast Sandwich

The former executive chef of Toronto's Buca, Rob Gentile, no longer resides in Canada, but one of the things he misses the most about the True North is Timmies.

"Although I’m a true Italian espresso drinker at heart, there’s something about early morning hockey games and that Tims smell that filled up the arena," he told Narcity.

"I often go on road trips in California and am always looking for a good coffee pit stop. 'I wish we could go to Tims' is me on repeat to the family."

As for what to order, chef Gentile was kind enough to share his favourite morning hack.

"Breakfast Sandwich, double pork patty with cheese on a biscuit, double toasted, add lettuce, add tomato, add mayo," he advised.

"And a black coffee, of course."

Timbits with a hot chocolate or iced capp

Top Chef Canada winner Tre Sanderson is such a big fan of Timmies that it was impossible for him to pick just one item.

When asked about his top Tim Hortons items, he listed the hot chocolate and the iced capp, although he was quick to add that you can "never go wrong with some classic sour cream glazed or chocolate glazed Timbits."

And, if you're on the go, the chef has a suggestion for that too -- the Everything Bagel, double toasted with plain cream cheese.

"So good!" he said.

Everything Bagel, black coffee and donuts

For Adam Turchetto, chef de cuisine at Toronto's Antler Kitchen & Bar, the Timmies cravings depend on time of day.

On his way in to work in the first half of the day, the chef said he always stops to get an extra large black coffee.

"I have never understood the Starbucks crowd with their mocha, frappe, caramel drizzle pumpkin spice bullsh*t. I just don't understand diluting your caffeine with a liquid dessert," he told Narcity.

He also added that he asks for a bit of ice with his coffee as "any Canadian knows, Tims coffee rivals the surface of the sun, and burning my palate as I start the day isn't the best idea for a chef."

During the second half of the day, he recommends the midday snacks, specifically "an Everything Bagel toasted with that garlic herb cream cheese," or even "just one of the donuts."

"There are definitely better donuts out there in this day and age, but before the days of artisan everything, Tims donuts were the standard for most of us Canadians, and they still hold up just fine today, nothing too fancy or overdone."

Ham & Cheddar sandwich and a double-double

Sandwiches by Tim Hortons.

Top Chef Canada winner Dale MacKay is another big Tim Hortons fan.

When asked about his favourite Timmies order, he responded, "That's the easiest thing ever!"

"Every morning and some afternoons I have a medium double-double with a chocolate dip donut."

The Tim Hortons love didn't stop there.

"I live between two cities and drive two hours each way at least once a week, so I have a ham and cheddar sandwich with no tomatoes and extra ranch, potato wedges and an apple juice.”

Chef MacKay also confessed that he will "eat the sh*t out of the [Tim Hortons] canned chicken and rice soup at home at least once a week."

So there you have it, Canada.

If you haven't tried any of these Tim Hortons dishes yet, consider this a sign to do so.

Meanwhile, if you're looking for more recommendations, some top chefs in Canada named their favourite fast food — and all the choices are super affordable!

These Are The Best Tim Hortons Menu Items, According To Canada's Top Chefs
Source: News Article Viral

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