I Tried All The New Fall Items At Tim Hortons & Here's What You Need To Know About Each

Tim Hortons has joined many other fast food chains in Canada in launching a bunch of seasonal treats for fall 2023, and if you know one thing about autumn, it's that you can finally get a taste of that sweet, sweet nectar of the gods known as pumpkin spice.

And if pumpkin spice is what you're after, the 2023 Tim Hortons fall menu has you covered and much, much more.

Released just last week, Tim Hortons has three pumpkin spice drinks to make you feel like you're living in an autumn paradise, but they also have two seasonal treats that will satisfy the sweet tooth of anyone ready to jump into fall.

The drinks they offer are a Pumpkin Spice Latte, a brand new Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew Coffee and the return of the Pumpkin Spice Iced Capp. For food, they have a new Dulce Apple Fritter Dream donut as well as the return of their Pumpkin Spice Muffin.

That's an overwhelming menu if you're just looking for something pumpkin flavoured, but don't worry: I've got you.

I went out and ordered every single new fall item from Tim Hortons. Why? Because it's my job. But on top of that, I want to help you know which things you should buy the next time you saddle up to your local Tim's.

So, here's what I thought of the Tim Hortons 2023 fall menu.


Pumpkin Spice Latte

The Pumpkin Spice Latte.

Price: $3.79 (small)

When it comes to the world of the Pumpkin Spice Latte, a.k.a. the PSL, Starbucks is the one to beat.

And while the Tim's Pumpkin Spice Latte doesn't look like it'll be dethroning Starbucks anytime soon, it's still a tasty, sweet treat — though I will say that you should get sipping right after you buy it.

In the time it took for me to get home from Tim Hortons, my Tim's PSL had already lost its whipped topping, with it having melted into the hot drink. Of course that'll happen at nearly every coffee shop or chain, but it also left a few specks of oil on the top of the drink — a product of the melted topping.

And while it didn't affect the taste, it wasn't the most fun to look at.

As for sips, it had that Pumpkin Spice Latte taste that we know and love, just with a bit of extra bitterness from that Tim Hortons coffee. While by no means did it taste evil, it probably wasn't my favourite of the drinks I tried.

That being said it's cheaper than the Starbucks version, so it'll be great if you need that PSL fix in a hurry.

Score: 2.5/5

Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew

The Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew.

Price: $3.49 (small)

Their new item is another trend I've noticed among coffee chains in Canada — the plussed-up cold brew.

This drink looks something like an iced latte with those layers on top, as well as the sprinkle of pumpkin spice that really shows you that you're dealing with something fancy.

The first thing I noticed while sipping this drink was that it was not as sweet as you would think. It offers a fun balance between all the flavours and doesn't smack you upside the head with that pumpkin spice flavour.

The coffee flavours are nice and subdued while still being there.

This drink is something I could easily see myself having on a day-to-day basis given its limited sweetness and the zippy caffeination brought in by the cold brew.

Score: 3.5/5

Pumpkin Spice Iced Capp

The Pumpkin Spice Iced Capp.

Price: $3.79 (small)

Now onto the most intense and sweet of all the drinks.

Before I say anymore, I should say as a young person — 12 or 13 — I loved Iced Capps. I'd sip them and feel like an adult drinking coffee but I also would get all that yummy sugariness with them. So it was a delight trying an Ice Capp once again.

With this one, the sweetness really came forward, maybe as a result of my more mature palate. It was creamy, sweet and really pumpkin spicey. Flavour-wise, it's basically a typical Iced Capp made with the addition of a pumpkin spice flavouring.

Along with that, it has some whipped topping that was really fun to scoop out and lick off the straw in between sips.

This drink was handily my favourite, however, to me it would only be something I have as a dessert. It's creamy, sweet and almost tastes like a milkshake at times, and is just incredibly good. That pumpkin spice in there really makes you feel like it's fall.

It's definitely like a piece of pumpkin pie served up with a bit of ice cream or whipped cream.

So while it's not something I'd have every single day, this is a really good one that's also a fun, tasty treat.

Score: 5/5


Dulce Apple Fritter

The Dulce Apple Fritter.

Price: $2.29

As for the snacks available, Tim's offers a new "Dream Donut," which is their name for their more deluxe, non-traditional donut offerings.

For this one, it is an apple fritter made with a drizzle of dulce de leche on top along with a smear of it in the middle.

The first thing I noticed about this one when I took a bite was the fun contrast of textures. The coarse, crispy outside meshed in a really fun way with the creamy, sticky dulce de leche within.

Add in the subtle crunch of the apples and this is a home run of a Dream Donut — a subsection of their donuts that sometimes can be a bit too much in my past experience.

Score: 4/5

Pumpkin Spice Muffin

The Pumpkin Spice Muffin.

Price: $2.29

If you're looking for something that's maybe a little more relaxed and less of a dessert, you might decide to opt for the Pumpkin Spice Muffin.

However, depending on your love of sweets, you might be out of luck.

This muffin, which is a returning favourite to Tim Hortons, is a pumpkin-seedy affair made with a gooey centre. So, while the muffin bit was on the normal level for such an item, that centre filling might make it another desserty snack depending on your preference.

Personally, I really liked this muffin! That creamy centre, which tasted a little bit like cream cheese icing, paired really well with the whole of the muffin. However, if I didn't know it was in there, I could see myself getting a little perturbed by the surprise.

So while not a full-on breakfast item, it's a fun treat for anyone looking for a little bit of sweetness in their life but not something as decadent as the new Dream Donut.

Score: 5/5

That's my take on the entire Tim Hortons fall menu for 2023, but maybe you'll feel differently once you've tried it for yourself.

And Tim Hortons isn't the only place popping off in the world of pumpkin spice. A bunch of places from Dairy Queen to Starbucks Krispy Kreme have launched their own pumpkin spice-fuelled menus in recent weeks.

It's truly a golden-orange age of pumpkin spice!

I Tried All The New Fall Items At Tim Hortons & Here's What You Need To Know About Each
Source: News Article Viral

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