Seasonal Affective Disorder Affects Many Canadians In The Winter & Here's How To Cope

A change in seasons doesn't just mean shorter days and less sun, but for many Canadians, it also causes mood changes and a loss of energy.

While some people may assume it's a case of the "winter blues," the changes may be caused by something more serious: seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is a seasonal type of depression.

According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, between 2 to 3% of Canadians will experience SAD at some point in their lives and adults under the age of 50 are at higher risk.

That's why it's important to be aware of the symptoms and ways to get help.

Here's what you need to know about seasonal affective disorder and how to cope with it.

What is seasonal affective disorder?

SAD medical abbreviation meaning seasonal affective disorder. Word SAD is surrounded by stethoscope, result of mental health exam, and medication.

Seasonal affective disorder or SAD is a type of depression related to the change in seasons and begins and ends around the same time every year.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, about 5% of adults in the U.S. experience SAD.

In Canada, that number drops down to about 2 to 3% of people who are impacted by the disorder, the Canadian Mental Health Association says.

Experts say women are four times more likely than men to be diagnosed with SAD. Geography also plays a role in the disorder. The further north or south of the equator you are, the higher your risk of developing SAD.

What are the warning signs of seasonal affective disorder?

A young woman looking sad sitting in bed in the dark.

The National Institute of Mental Health says SAD is not considered to be a separate disorder, but a type of depression that occurs due to a seasonal pattern.

That means that symptoms of the disorder are "associated with major depression" and can last between four and five months.

The symptoms a person can experience include feeling depressed for most of the day, experiencing a change in appetite and weight, having sleep problems, losing interest in previously enjoyed activities and having low energy.

Symptoms can also change depending on the time of year a person experiences the disorder.

If it happens during the winter, a person may also oversleep, overeat, gain weight and socially withdraw, which experts compare to "hibernation."

For a person who experiences SAD in the spring and summer, they may experience trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, weight loss, anxiety and episodes of violent behavior.

How is seasonal affective disorder diagnosed?

A young woman speaking to a mental health professional.

There are certain criteria that must be met for a person to be diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder.

On its website, the National Institute of Mental Health states a person must experience symptoms of major depression (as seen above), the symptoms must happen during specific seasons for at least two years back-to-back and the depressive episodes must be "much more frequent than other depressive episodes" a person may have at other times of the year.

When does seasonal affective disorder usually start?

For most people with SAD, symptoms will start in the fall and continue into the winter and go away during the spring and summer.

While seasonal affective disorder is more common at this time of year, it can be flipped around for others.

That means that a person will experience SAD in the spring and summer and will feel better during the fall and winter months, according to the Mayo Clinic.

How can you cope with seasonal affective disorder?

A man who is bundled up in a hat, scarf and jacket taking a walk in the winter.

There are a number of methods a person can use to treat seasonal affective disorder, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Spending time outdoors, especially when it's sunny, can be a big one when it comes to coping with SAD.

"People don't realize that when you're outdoors you get much brighter light even on dull grey days in the winter than the brightest office light. So it's important to get outdoor light," Dr. Raymond Lam, a professor of psychiatry at the University of British Columbia, explained to Narcity.

"For a lot of people setting your bedroom light to turn on in the morning helps with waking up," he continued. "It's like a little dawn signal for their biological clock."

If that's not possible, light therapy is an alternative that experts highly recommend. With light therapy, a person sits in front of a light box that is 10,000 lux every day for about 30 to 45 minutes, typically first thing in the morning. The National Institute of Mental Health says these light boxes are 20 times brighter than a regular indoor light and filter out any potentially damaging UV light.

Psychotherapy and antidepressants may also be advised by a doctor.

A person who struggles with the mood disorder may also benefit from exercise, a well-balanced diet and eliminating alcohol and drugs.

Is seasonal affective disorder the same as winter blues?

Many people may get confused between winter blues and seasonal affective disorder because they do seem similar.

A mental health expert at the National Institutes of Health explains winter blues as a "general term, not a medical diagnosis."

"It’s fairly common, and it’s more mild than serious. It usually clears up on its own in a fairly short amount of time," says Dr. Matthew Rudorfer on the NIH website.

As a form of depression, seasonal affective disorder is much more serious than winter blues because it affects a person's daily life, including how they feel and think, over an extended period of time.

It also returns around the same time every year.

"I always recommend that if people are feeling that they have symptoms to the point where it's affecting the functioning that they get it checked out by their family doctor [to] make sure there's not something else going on," Lam told Narcity.

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

This article has been updated since it was originally published on December 18, 2022.

Seasonal Affective Disorder Affects Many Canadians In The Winter & Here's How To Cope
Source: News Article Viral

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