BC will see spring-like temperatures this week and it'll feel more like May

If you've been anxiously waiting for spring and warmer temperatures, you'll be happy to know B.C.'s weather is in for a major warm-up this week.

The Weather Network says temperatures in the province will resemble what British Columbians typically see in late May.

"This week will offer a tour of the seasons in British Columbia as a mid-winter pattern abruptly lurches to a setup resembling the late days of spring," TWN said in a press release.

What's even better is that the temperatures will continue to climb throughout the week, meaning B.C. is in for a nice weekend as well.

TWN said the South Coast will see temperatures reach the lower teens by Thursday, mid-teens by Friday and will "soar toward the 20-degree mark" by the weekend.

"Vancouver could see sunny skies and daytime highs around 18°C through next weekend –– values that are more common of late May than mid-March," the weather authority said.

Similar temperatures of 18 degrees are expected for Victoria on Vancouver Island this weekend as well.

It looks like it's time to put away the winter gear and get your spring clothes ready!

The first day of spring is just a few days away, on March 19.

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

BC will see spring-like temperatures this week and it'll feel more like May
Source: News Article Viral

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