11 Things I Learned To Love When I Moved To Canada From The UK & Now I Can't Live Without

What a place to call home, eh? When I first moved to Canada from the U.K. back in 2019, there were a number of things I was totally unprepared for.

Bagged milk was a big one, as were Canadian slang words, the price of beer, haircuts and cell phone plans, and the absolute brutality of the winter months.

As well as those, there were some absolutely amazing surprises in store too, including the wonders of drive-thru banking, regular stat holidays and delicious, delicious KD.

More than three years later, here are the things I learned to love in Canada and now literally cannot live without:

The Timmies

It's an obvious one but how did I ever live without Tim Hortons? It's got affordable coffee, tasty snacks and you can literally find one around every corner in Canada.

Of course, the U.K. has popular coffee shops — like Starbucks or Costa Coffee — but both are expensive, inconsistent and you'll pay double-double for any sort of food there.

The maple syrup

Before moving to Canada, I thought I didn't like maple syrup. I found it to be too sticky, too sweet and too much hassle overall.

OMG how wrong I was.

After experiencing proper maple syrup (directly from a tree — who knew?!) I realized that what I didn't like was pretend maple syrup.

The real stuff is incredible and one of the best things about Canadians is that they're cool with you putting it on pretty much anything.

The scenery

Canada is absolutely breathtaking and it's almost impossible to describe it to those who have not experienced it.

From snow-capped mountains and crystal clear lakes, to sprawling provincial parks, glaciers and jaw-dropping natural wonders, every province has countless places to explore.

If that's not enough, there's iconic wildlife around every corner. Just wow!

The poutine

After making the rookie mistake of assuming poutine was just cheese, fries and gravy, I soon learned that this iconic dish is everything. Just everything.

There are hundreds of poutine variations to warm your heart on a cold wintry day and each one will make you feel just a little bit more at home.

You also basically can't buy poutine (as Canadians know it) in Wales, so it was pretty cool to taste the different types all over Canada.

The dollar stores

This is pretty random, but Canadian dollar stores are just the best.

As well as being jam-packed with so much obscure junk that you can't help but buy, they're also full of useful and affordable everyday items at a cheaper price.

We do have "pound shops" in the U.K., which are pretty similar, but they just don't have the VIBE of places like Dollarama and Dollar Tree. There's just a je ne sais quoi about them that makes me want to spend hours there!

The drinks

Before living in Canada, I am ashamed to say that I had never even heard of White Claw, let alone tried one.

There are so many cool drinks and tasty alcoholic bevvies in Canada that it's hard to pick a favourite. While White Claw probably won't win any awards for flavour, it's light, refreshing and just hits the spot on a warm day.

If that wasn't enough, there are also beers from Flying Monkeys Craft Brewery and sour beers from literally anywhere. Is there anything better?!

The holidays

Places in Canada have so many statutory holidays that the U.K. just doesn't have, and sometimes it feels like a well-deserved day off is always just around the corner.

This includes Canada Day (obviously), Labour Day and Thanksgiving, as well as Victoria Day and Remembrance Day.

The ice hockey

Because there isn't too much snow and ice where I'm from in Wales, there also isn't too much ice hockey.

The first thing I learned is that everything happens so freaking fast. Do NOT take your eyes off the game for even a second because you may miss something huge. Just don't look away. Ever.

The second thing I learned is don't call it "ice hockey" because everyone will know you're a visitor, like immediately.

The third thing I discovered is that it is so dang addictive. Once you're hooked, there's no going back.

The KD

OMG. Two tiny letters, so much cheesy goodness.

If we do have Kraft Dinner in the U.K., I'd never seen it or tried it before, and it's definitely not a common thing to have in your cupboard.

It was one of the first things I was introduced to upon my arrival in Canada and after being initially cautious, I was so pleasantly surprised. It's so quick, easy and quintessentially Canadian, what's not to love?

The thrift stores

Having thrifted in countries all over the world, I can confirm that Canada is a great place to find amazing deals and one-of-a-kind finds.

There are so many awesome thrift locations all over the country that donate to good causes, as well as for-profit organizations that are like thrifting superstores.

And Value Village … well, if you know, you know.

The fall

Is there anything in the world more spectacular than fall in Canada?

Before arriving I knew it would be special, but I underestimated how short-lived the golden season is.

While there are only a few short weeks of that perfect autumnal glow, they're absolutely worth waiting the whole year for. Glorious!

The drive thru

One of the coolest (and most hilarious) things about this country is that you can "drive thru" pretty much everything.

In Britain, the only proper drive-thrus are at fast food spots like McDonald's or Starbucks.

In Canada — OMG — you can use drive thrus at many restaurants, the liquor store, the pharmacy, the bank and so much more. It's both ridiculous and amazing at the same time.

Love you, Canada!

The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Narcity Media.

11 Things I Learned To Love When I Moved To Canada From The UK & Now I Can't Live Without
Source: News Article Viral

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