Daycare Operator Sentenced To Jail After A 16-Month-Old Baby Died In Her Care

The operator of an unlicensed daycare in Vancouver was sentenced to 20 months in jail, five years after a baby was found dead in her care.

Susy Yasmine Saad plead guilty to failing to provide the necessaries of life to nine children, including a 16-month-old baby known as Baby Mac.

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In 2017, Macallan Saini, also known as Baby Mac, allegedly choked to death on an electrical cord at Saad's daycare. Eight other children were involved in the case, but he was the only child who died while under Saad's care.

The daycare ran under the name Olive Branch Daycare.

According to court documents from the B.C. Supreme Court, Shelley Sheppard, Baby Mac's mother, arrived to pick up her son on January 18, 2017, and saw that the daycare was "overcrowded with children."

Sheppard also said she saw children "strapped to chairs" before she found her son dead on the floor. Previous to that day, Saad had been investigated by Vancouver Coastal Health Authority for operating without a license.

Saad pleaded guilty in April and was sentenced in the B.C. Supreme Court on Monday, November 21.

CTV News reported that Justice Catherine Wedge called Saad a "scheming and dishonest person who knowingly placed young children at risk every day they attended the daycare."

The news outlet added that in court, Saad admitted that she misled Baby Mac's parents about the number of children she was caring for. Saad was handed a 20-month jail sentence.

Daycare Operator Sentenced To Jail After A 16-Month-Old Baby Died In Her Care
Source: News Article Viral

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