A Server Broke Down Crying Over Customers Who Don't Tip & TikTokers Actually Turned On Her

The debate around tipping is definitely a hot one, and it can sometimes feel like it’s the service industry workers against the whole world.

One TikTok posted by a very upset server has really brought out both sides of the debate around tipping culture, and it seems like more and more people are getting fed up.

TikToker and self-proclaimed server Daylie Waters decided to post a video of herself ranting in tears about customers who don’t tip their servers, and it’s already got the attention of 1.7 million viewers.

“If you don't have money to tip your server and you go out to eat and don't tip your server, I have zero respect for you,” Waters says in the video.

“I am a server making five something an hour, and I live off of your tip. I don't care how many tables I have, or how busy I look. I don't care. Nine times out of ten, I'm not making the money that you think I'm making."


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She went on to complain that there’s not enough awareness of how difficult and “degrading” working in the service industry can be.

“It feels like the server industry does not get enough credit for how hard this sh*t is,” Water says. “It is not easy. It's backbreaking work.”

Waters explains that no matter what’s going on and how stressed she may be, she always serves her tables with a big smile on her face, so when they leave without leaving a tip, it feels awful.

“And I think that the service industry needs better pay because lately, society is just not getting it.”

Waters' video seemed to touch a nerve, though not in the way she probably expected. Many people were not having it and they blasted tipping culture in the comment section.

"Tipping is a choice, if what you get paid is not enough ask for a raise, get a second job or get a new job,” one critic wrote.

Another person wrote: “Tipping is optional, and if you are not making enough money, that's between you and your boss.”

“At the end of the day, you choose your job,” wrote another user. “But I understand where you’re coming from.”

Others suggested they'd be happy to do the serving for themselves.

“Give me waitress opt-out option. I’ll fill my own drinks and pick up my own food. I go for the food, not to be waited on,” read another comment.

One TikToker, Amir Abdallah, stitched Waters' video and explained why tipping is not necessary in a video that also blew up.

“This is probably an unpopular opinion. And I'm saying it anyway because I'm annoyed,” Abdallah says in his video. “Tipping is optional. Whether we like that or not. I will tip if you give good service.”

In his rant, Abdallah says it’s not the guest’s fault that servers only get paid $5 an hour, and instead, servers should take their complaints to their bosses.

“For you to say that people shouldn't dine in and you lose respect for people who don't tip is f*cked up,” says Abdallah in the video, which now has 6.7 million views.

"People should be able to go out to a restaurant, enjoy their time with their family and leave a tip if they feel like they want to do that,” Abdallah continues. “They are only obligated to pay for the meals that they are eating.”

Many people in the comment section couldn’t agree with Abdallah more.

One user commented: “Finally someone said it.” Another wrote: “Tipping is one of the biggest scams.”

“Me watching from a Country without tipping culture and good enough paychecks," wrote another commenter.

Despite all the rage against tipping, it's worth pointing out that many serving jobs in the U.S. and Canada pay below minimum wage. The expectation is that the server will earn better than minimum wage once tips are factored in.

Tipping works differently in other countries, but it'll take more than a few TikToks to upset that system in North America!

A Server Broke Down Crying Over Customers Who Don't Tip & TikTokers Actually Turned On Her
Source: News Article Viral

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