Airline Passengers Got Instant Karma For Taking Another Family's Seats & It's So Satisfying

Air travel can be stressful especially when it comes to seat arrangements, so you image how one family felt when they recently discovered another group sitting on their spots on a flight.

The incident, which was shared on Reddit's Stolen Seats forum, involved a woman who boarded a plane with her family, only to find another family occupying their seats in A, B, and C instead of seats D, E and F on the other side of the row.

“We get on to find that a family is in our seats. The parents won't even look up at us,” read the post. “The teen daughter mumbles that she got there first and just sat down.”

While the family was annoyed, they decided it wasn’t worth the disturbance and simply sat in the other family’s seats without making a fuss.

However, karma struck the seat stealers in the most satisfying way.

“The mom who initially refused to even look at us leaned over to ask me if our USB and outlets were working. Yes, while I had headphones on,” the Reddit user wrote.

When the woman confirmed they were, the other mother responded that none of theirs were, and it was a long flight.

In other words, the family took their seats and wound up with a bunch of useless plugs.

The Reddit user sarcastically wrote “Isn't that a shame. Especially since we sat on the runway for a bit over an hour and it is a long flight. I imagine batteries are getting low.”

The Reddit user ended the post with: “Hello Karma.”

As the other group suffered through the long flight, the woman and her family enjoyed a little sweet karma while keeping their technology fully charged.

The incident received overwhelmingly positive reactions. Many Reddit users found the situation hilarious, while others pointed out that it's always a good idea to come prepared with charged power packs when travelling.

One user commented, “Oh that's fantastic,” with another agreeing and replying, “Definitely.”

Another user asked, “I’m really curious why they decided to sit in identical seats across the aisle from their assigned seats. Whomp whomp to them, sweet karma.”

The original Reddit user replied to the comment by saying she assumed it was a mistake but was still taken aback by how they “refused to look at the people [they had] stolen a seat from! It was just so weird.”

One person asked, “Did she start shrieking that you stole her seat?”

The Reddit user once again replied and said “No, I put my headphones back on and leaned back and proceeded to ignore her while she kept staring at me. I'm not sure what she expected me to do at that point. She hit the call button and a flight attendant came over but I didn't hear the conversation.”

While taking someone else's seat on a plane might seem like a small inconvenience, it’s still the wrong thing to do. It's best to follow the rules and stick to the seats that you have reserved. Otherwise, you might end up regretting it, just like this family did.

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

Airline Passengers Got Instant Karma For Taking Another Family's Seats & It's So Satisfying
Source: News Article Viral

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