Canada's Winter Weather Forecast Just Dropped & 'Stormy Conditions' Could Mean Ski Heaven

Summer's not over, but Canadians are already getting an idea of what winter 2023 will bring to the True North.

According to Farmers' Almanac, Canada's weather forecast shows that the country will see traditional weather, with "very cold" and "icy" temperatures for most provinces.

The extended weather forecast said that winter in Canada will officially start on December 21, 2023, but the country will see chilly temperatures coming in before then, with the season actually beginning on December 1.

Unfortunately for Ontarians, this winter is predicted to be "bitterly cold" and snowy, with those around the Great Lakes set to "get [their] fill of snow," and the current forecast pointing to above-normal snowfall amounts.

While this will likely mean a winter of shovelling driveways and cleaning off cars, it also could mean a particularly nice ski season, in contrast with last winter, when mild temperatures and rainy weather created a challenge for ski resorts to keep snow on the tracks.

The cold may also mean more opportunities for outdoor skating; last winter, higher-than-average temperatures contributed to a weak skating season in Ontario.

In Ottawa, the famous Rideau Canal Skateway remained closed for the first time in its history due to the ice failing to meet its thickness requirement, which is 30 cm and requires about 10-14 straight days of -10 to -20 C weather.

Nearby, Quebec will see a bit of a different winter, with cold and stormy weather predicted along with a wintry mix of rain, sleet, and snow in the second week of January and a coastal storm in February.

The Prairie provinces, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, are in for a very cold winter with "average snowfall" according to the Almanac, with "lots of BRRRs," expected, so those living in these regions will want to make sure their winter gear is ready to go.

Over in B.C., a "seasonably cold, wet" winter is expected, with temperatures just above and below the freezing mark.

It's also predicted that there will be heavy mountain snows over the Rockies and Prairies during the first week of February.

In Atlantic Canada, the Maritime provinces will see a "chilly, wintry mishmash" of a winter, as well as rain, sleet, and snow in the second week of January and a coastal storm followed by a wave of frigid air in February.

Newfoundland, however, will get off a bit easier. "Newfoundland and Labrador will experience icy temperatures, but our predictions suggest that this area won't be as cold as the middle of the country," says the Farmers' Almanac.

March won't bring much respite. The Farmers' Almanac notes that there could be stormy conditions nationwide and that a "white Easter Sunday" could be in the cards for Quebec, Ontario and Atlantic Canada.

Looks like you'll want to enjoy the summer weather while you can, Canada!

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

Canada's Winter Weather Forecast Just Dropped & 'Stormy Conditions' Could Mean Ski Heaven
Source: News Article Viral

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