Ontario's weather forecast is predicting a mix of snow, hail and thunderstorms this weekend

Summer, you had a good run. But now it looks like Mother Nature's ready to remind Ontario's weather forecast that fall is just around the corner.

On tap for this weekend's weather? Thunderstorms, wet snow and waterspouts — because, obviously, we can't just ease into sweater season. That'd be too easy.

According to the latest update from The Weather Network (aka your weekend mood-ruiner), Ontario's weather is about to go on a chaotic ride. So whether you're planning to hit the cottage or just chill in the backyard, you might want to bring an umbrella... and maybe a snow shovel. Oh, and also prepare for waterspouts. Because nothing says "weekend relaxation" like mini-tornadoes over the Great Lakes.

Thunderstorms and cooler temperatures set to hit Ontario on Friday

Enjoy the sunshine while you can, because Friday's serving up a hard pivot from "pleasant summer day" to "don't forget your life jacket." A strong cold front is swooping in like an uninvited guest to crash your weekend vibes, bringing widespread showers and non-severe thunderstorms.

Temperatures will be sitting pretty in the mid-20s, which sounds nice — until, by late afternoon, you're dodging raindrops in the GTA, Hamilton and Niagara. Bonus round: If you're lucky, you might also get pelted with some small hail. Fun!

But wait, there's more. As the night rolls in and temperatures plummet, northeastern Ontario could be treated to a special "Why is this happening in September?" weather event — wet snow. Yes, snow. Because why not?

Saturday brings rain, gusty winds and a chance of waterspouts

So, Saturday won't be a total washout. But don't get too excited. The heaviest rain will shift to western Quebec, while southern Ontario gets hit with cloudy skies, scattered showers and enough weather mood swings to keep you guessing. You'll definitely need an umbrella. Temperatures will drop by 5 to 10 degrees compared to Friday, giving you the perfect excuse to break out those cozy layers.

The highlight of Saturday? Waterspouts! With cold northwest winds blowing over the still-warm Great Lakes, conditions will be perfect for these odd funnel-shaped phenomena. If you're near Lake Huron or Georgian Bay, keep an eye out. These things tend to form in late summer and early fall when cool air meets warm lake water. Just hope it doesn't come ashore and crash your beach day.

Clouds and cooler temperatures continue into Sunday

By Sunday, the weekend's gloomy mood continues, with cloudy skies and scattered showers lingering over the GTA and cottage country. Temperatures will stay locked in the teens, and you can expect gusty winds up to 50 km/h. It's not exactly the kind of weekend you'd hoped for, but hey, at least the rain might be lighter.

Stay prepared for possible flooding and waterspouts

With heavy rain and thunderstorms predicted across southern Ontario, the risk of localized flooding is real — look out, Drake! Low-lying areas could be prone to flooding, so keep an eye on any weather warnings and make sure your weekend plans have a backup option. And, of course, waterspouts could add some extra drama, so if you're anywhere near the Great Lakes, stay alert.

But don't despair! According to the long-range forecast, the sun will make a triumphant return by the end of next week. So keep those summer vibes alive, and maybe pack a few extra layers to get through the weekend.

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Ontario's weather forecast is predicting a mix of snow, hail and thunderstorms this weekend
Source: News Article Viral

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