This TikTok Video Shows You've Been Opening English Muffins Wrong Your Whole Life

English muffins are one of the greatest joys of breakfast (or any meal, tbh), and this TikTok video showing how to open them might just change your life.

TikTok user sidneyraz posted a video showing the proper way to open the delicious carb, and he seems pretty bamboozled by the fact that you're supposed to use a fork to pry it open.


the result is upsetting #inmy30s #englishmuffins

Using a fork to open the muffin ensures you get all sorts of nooks for your butter or jam to cling to, which results in extra deliciousness.

"Here's something I wish I knew before I was in my thirties," he said before demonstrating the hack.

TikTok is, of course, a goldmine for food hacks, and this little practical tip might just be a game changer if you've been struggling to open your muffin with a knife all this time.

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