Most Canadians Support Vaccine Passports, Poll Says, But Americans Are Way More Divided

A new poll suggests that Americans and Canadians are pretty far apart when it comes to supporting vaccine passports in their country.

Conducted by Leger, the survey found that a majority of respondents — of either nationality — supported vaccine passports overall, but they also found a massive difference in strong support and strong opposition between the two countries.

Interestingly enough, the percentage of respondents who said they "somewhat support" vaccine passports was exactly the same in Canada as in the U.S. — at 22% — and the percentage of those who said they "somewhat oppose" the passports was almost exactly the same as well — 9% in Canada and 10% in the U.S.

However, the views differed much more when it comes to "strongly supporting" or "strongly opposing."

In Canada, a majority of respondents — 56% — said they strongly support vaccine passports. However, in the U.S., that number is only at 35%, almost on par with the percentage of people who strongly opposed them at 33%.

All told, that leads to 78% of Canadians who answered being in support of the vaccine passports but only 57% of Americans feeling the same.

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