The Ontario Government Is Being Asked To Ban Anti-Vaxx Protests Near Hospital & Schools

Ontario government's getting called on to ban anti-vaxx protests that happen near hospitals, schools, daycares and COVID-19 testing clinics and immunization centres.

Unifor — Canada's largest union in the private sector — put out a call to action on September 30 to the Ford government, and brought up how the Quebec government recently passed a bill that prohibits these kinds of protests from happening within 50 metres of any of those establishments.

"Anti-vaccine protests not only put the health and safety of our members but the entire community at risk," Unifor National President Jerry Dias said. "These COVID heroes have sacrificed so much for the betterment of society and to have a group of people intimidating them while working is unacceptable. Our COVID heroes deserve better."

The act that Quebec passed will dole out fines ranging between $1,000 to $6,000 to those who organize or hold protests. On top of that, anyone who intimidates or threatens people coming or going out of a hospital, school, daycare, and designated COVID-19 testing or immunization centres could also be fined upwards of $12,000.

"Anti-vaccine protests not only allow the possible spread of the virus but allows protesters to continue spreading hate and division amongst us all. This must stop now. I am calling on the Premier to take immediate action to protect our health care workers, educational workers, children, and anyone accessing these services free from hate and intimidation," Dias said.

In mid-September, Toronto General Hospital was swarmed by anti-vaxx protesters, as well as other rallies across the province and country. Premier Ford called these protests "selfish, cowardly, and reckless."

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