This Florida City Is Now One Of The Most Expensive In The World To Live The High Life

Florida is one of the least affordable states in the U.S., and, now, Miami is one of the most expensive places to live a lavish lifestyle in the world!

It is a bit ironic that the most affordable flights nationally come from Florida airports, so it's cheap to get out of town.

The study was provided by Julius Bär, a company that looked at how high-net-worth individuals have been living their lifestyles. The Magic City has increased its rank to spot 18 from last year's spot at 19.

Narcity was told the data comes from Year-Over-Year percentage price changes from bicycles to shoes and even Lasik eye surgery.

The largest change was the percentage increase of hotel suites in the city. Whether staycations are popular, or the wealthy are spending a pretty penny on others, this category increased by 91%.

The second-biggest climb was technology packaging by 40% and lawyers by 33%.

What might not come as a huge surprise are residential properties. With an extremely high real estate market in the South Florida area, this category increased by 28%.

According to ZipRecruiter, the average salary you need to live in Miami, annually, is a little over $62,000 a year, which is about $15,000 over what the average millennial makes in the U.S. at around $47,000.

Miami salary averages break down to around $30/hour.

The categories that decreased the most for the South Florida city are Lasik and MBA.

The only other city in America that topped the list was New York coming in the 11th spot.

This Florida City Is Now One Of The Most Expensive In The World To Live The High Life
Source: News Article Viral

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