A Polar Vortex Is Descending On Canada & Here's When 'Frigid Temperatures' Will Hit

There is a polar vortex making its way into Canada and that means winter weather will spread across the country.

In a new forecast from The Weather Network, it has been revealed that a stretch of above-seasonal temperatures is coming to an end as "some of the coldest air in the Northern Hemisphere" descends on Canada.

There will be a pattern reversal during the last few days of January that will plunge Arctic air over western parts of the country and bring "frigid temperatures."

The Weather Network said that's because "some of the coldest air in the Northern Hemisphere" will shift and become trapped over North America at the end of January.

B.C., Alberta and Yukon will be spared from the worst of the cold winter weather but the polar vortex will still manage to drop temperatures below seasonal briefly before the month ends.

Then, widespread temperatures around -20 C will spread over eastern parts of the Prairies and wind chills will make it feel like -30 C as January ends and February starts.

Frigid air from the polar vortex will "gradually" move east through the beginning of February which will bring the cold to parts of Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada.

It's been a month since the last deep freeze when places in western Canada experienced temperatures of -50 C because of a frigid air mass from Siberia, according to The Weather Network.

What is Canada's winter weather forecast?

For the rest of the season, the winter forecast from the Farmers' Almanac said a snowstorm could bring up to 60 centimetres of snow in February.

The Weather Network's winter forecast for Canada called for February to have a few breaks from the cold with shots of milder weather.

According to Canada's winter forecast from the Old Farmer's Almanac, B.C. is expected to get cold at the beginning of February followed by a brief break but then the cold returns.

February in the Prairies is forecast to start cold with snow showers before mild temperatures move in for a bit. Then, the month will get colder and colder as time goes on.

Ontario will get a messy combination of weather conditions throughout February including cold temperatures, snow, rain showers, flurries and a rain/snow mix.

Quebec is set to experience snowy periods, snow showers and flurries in every week of the month!

It's forecast that Atlantic Canada will start and end February with snowstorms with snow showers and fluctuating temperatures in between.

A Polar Vortex Is Descending On Canada & Here's When 'Frigid Temperatures' Will Hit
Source: News Article Viral

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