Foreign Influencers Said Houston Is 'The Worst Place To Live' & Locals Got So Heated

Podcasters who call themselves "foreigners" recently called out a Texas city for being "the worst place" they've lived in, and locals aren't happy with their opinions.

Oliver Forslin, an influencer from South Africa, and Josh Briant, a fitness influencer from Sweden, host the Foreign Talk Podcast, where they discuss various topics about their lives. In their first episode, the two had some not-so-pretty words to say about their time in Houston, TX, a TikTok clip shows.

"Houston, Texas is probably the worst place I've ever lived in my life," Forslin said. "That is the most depressing place."

He then followed to mention how dangerous the city's road conditions, traffic patterns, and some of its citizens are.


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The video now has over 508K views and a comment section full of unhappy Houstonians.

Some didn't like when Briant recalled a time he walked through downtown H-town and was shocked by what he saw.

"It's like 50 guys just laying in the streets, probably pumping heroin and stuff," he said. "I'm just looking at my homie, and I'm like: 'Bro, where are we?'"

A user responded to the previous comment by saying: "Breaking news: Large city has homeless people."

Forslin also ranted about the Bayou City's roads being riddled with potholes and mentioned it made him feel "homesick" for his home in Africa. He couldn't help himself from roasting Houston's reckless drivers. However, we have to give him that one because that is a daily occurrence for all Texans, it seems.

"It's the most insane driving I've ever seen in my life," he said.

But locals think it's just a Houston thing.

"You gotta be from Houston to understand the driving, bruh," one TikToker wrote in the comment section of the viral clip.

Lastly, Forslin simply thinks the city is "unsafe" and that "everyone is strapped" with a gun.

A part of the comment section on the TikTok. A part of the comment section on the TikTok. foreigntalkpod | TikTok

It seems most TikTokers are disagreeing with the two guys' opinions, as some think other United States cities are worse than the Space City.

"He needs to go to LA before he says that opinion," a person chimed in.

Additionally, some think Forslin and Briant made the city seem a lot scarier than it actually is.

"He made Houston sound like Gotham," another user wrote.

Foreign Influencers Said Houston Is 'The Worst Place To Live' & Locals Got So Heated
Source: News Article Viral

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