Toronto Was Named The Worst City For Bed Bugs In Canada & It's Enough To Make You Squirm

You won't rest easy after hearing this news. The worst cities in Canada for bed bugs were recently revealed and Toronto came in at the top of the list.

On March 20, 2023, pest control service Orkin shared Canada's Top 25 Bed Bug Cities of 2022. The cities were ranked based on the number of bed bug treatments the company performed between January 1 and December 31, 2022. It included both commercial and residential treatments.

Out of the 25 cities, Toronto came in at number one for the most amount of bed bug treatments in 2022. It was followed by Vancouver in second place and Sudbury in third.

Overall, Ontario had the most bed bug-infested cities and is home to 15 out of the 25 cities included in the study. Other Ontario spots include Oshawa at number four, Ottawa at number five, and Scarborough at number six.

Bed bug cities in Canada. Bed bug cities in Canada. Orkin Canada

"While it's important to be aware of bed bug infestations within hotels, practicing precautions in other aspects of travel are also important," Dr. Alice Sinia, a Ph.D. Entomologist at Orkin Canada said in a press release.

"Taxis, buses, trains, and airplanes are also common bed bug hiding places, allowing these pests an opportunity to hitch a ride with unsuspecting travellers."

Orkin suggests precautions like decluttering your space, checking for signs of bed bugs and using bag protectors when travelling to prevent and stop bed bug infestations.

Toronto isn't just a hotspot for bed bugs. In 2022, Orkin revealed that Toronto is also the worst city in Canada for rats. Watch out for these pests if you live in the city!

Toronto Was Named The Worst City For Bed Bugs In Canada & It's Enough To Make You Squirm
Source: News Article Viral

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