Justin Trudeau Had Gravel Chucked At Him By Angry Protesters At A Campaign Stop

An angry group of protesters seem to follow Justin Trudeau around the country these days, but they took their outrage to a new level on Monday, September 6, when they pelted the prime minister with pieces of gravel.

A video from CBC reporter Sarah Snears shows protesters throwing the small rocks at Trudeau after he'd finished a meet-and-greet at a brewery in London, Ontario, and was getting back on his bus.

Trudeau's fellow campaigners quickly denounced the demonstrations.

"Enough," Jagmeet Singh tweeted. "It is not acceptable to throw objects at anyone. Ever. No matter how angry you are."

O'Toole once again defended Trudeau, despite the PM previously accusing him of siding with anti-vaxxers.

"This is disgusting and I condemn these actions in the strongest terms possible," O'Toole said on Twitter. "Political violence is never justified and our media must be free from intimidation, harassment, and violence."

According to CBC, Trudeau later told reporters that he'd been hit by the gravel but was "okay."

Speaking at a separate campaign stop earlier that day, Trudeau made it clear that he was not intimidated by the groups accosting him during his campaign.

"Yes, there is a small fringe element in this country that is angry, that doesn't believe in science, that is lashing out with racist, misogynistic attacks. But Canadians, the vast majority of Canadians are not represented by them," Trudeau said.

"I know I will not allow those special interest groups, those protesters who can — I don't want to even call them protesters — those anti-vaxxer mobs to dictate how this country gets through this pandemic," he added. "They don't get to dictate policy of this government."

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